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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=bigc90210;105152]Do you guys think we should all be changing our prefabs so our entities point the correct way or has there been any confirmation from tfp that this is a mistake on their part and we should just wait till 8.8?[/QUOTE] I'd do what Wseigel suggested and change both the X and Y values to the rotation you want. That way it'll work now and if they change it back.
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If anyone wants a reminder to change values as the "z" axis is implemented for entities, set all 3 values to the same or set the "z" axis to something wonky. When the value is implemented correctly, your entity will be in a weird position. 100% credit goes to Wsiegel, Hal. The only thing I did was being proactive instead of reactive to future changes!
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;105162]If anyone wants a reminder to change values as the "z" axis is implemented for entities, set all 3 values to the same or set the "z" axis to something wonky. When the value is implemented correctly, your entity will be in a weird position. 100% credit goes to Wsiegel, Hal. The only thing I did was being proactive instead of reactive to future changes![/QUOTE] Yep Wseigel did a great job. But you posted your findings because they were different to what we were saying which helped lead to the solution. That's a +1 in my book.
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Ahhh! Thanks for the info on the torch light slowing zeds. I can change that myself. Prolly works with lights too I take it. Still would be nice to just check a box but completely understand not wanting to add extra work for every update. BTW thank you greatly for including the unload mod. It just makes to damn much sense to be able to unload your weapons.
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so i cant seem to do anything without getting this error "unhandled exception has occured in your application. if you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. if you click quit, the app...." sooooo what do i do? :D
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[QUOTE=Ekk0;105342]Can you give us the list of blocks that changed for 8.7?[/QUOTE] Not sure Ekk0, the program doesn't try to update anymore as people said blocks were going missing. And I've overwritten my 8.6 blockdata file. But I'll see if I have a backup and can get the changes out. [QUOTE=TheRedWolf;105496]so i cant seem to do anything without getting this error "unhandled exception has occured in your application. if you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. if you click quit, the app...." sooooo what do i do? :D[/QUOTE] When does the error occur? When the program starts? Is it the program you downloaded in the first post or the update? Do you have .NET 4.5 installed? Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Ekk0;105342]Can you give us the list of blocks that changed for 8.7?[/QUOTE] Here's what I've got trunkPineTip (id change) wedge60EndBrickMetal (id change) wedge60EndWoodOld (id change) wedge60EndAsphalt (id change) wedge60EndBarnWood (id change) wedge60EndSidewalk (id change) wedge60EndGravel (id change) wedge60EndConcrete (id change) decals (id change) decals (id change) decals (id change) wedge60EndBrickMetal (id change) wedge60EndWoodOld (id change) wedge60EndAsphalt (id change) wedge60EndBarnWood (id change) wedge60EndSidewalk (id change) wedge60EndGravel (id change) wedge60EndConcrete (id change) oldWood (id change) oldWood (id change) cornerFullWedgeAwning2 (id change) cornerFullWedgeAwning2 (id change) trunkPine (id change) LitCampfire (removed) cactus_01 (removed) cactus_01_b (removed) cactus_01_c (removed) cactus_02 (removed) cactus_02_b (removed) cactus_03 (removed) cactus_03_b (removed) cactus_04 (removed) cactus_05 (removed) cactus_06 (removed) Cheers, Hal
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1st time user 1st post, to sorry if I repeated it... I have .25 and copied Assembly-CSharp.dll to main 7daystodie (kept copy of old one) and got blank screen when starting... do the other .dll need to be copied there like ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll UnityEngine.dll and maybe System.Net.FtpClient.dll
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[QUOTE=ottoforumyou;105788]1st post, to sorry if I repeated it... I have .25 and copied Assembly-CSharp.dll to main 7daystodie (kept copy of old one) and got blank screen when starting... do the other .dll need to be copied there like ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll UnityEngine.dll and maybe System.Net.FtpClient.dll[/QUOTE] No you don't need to move the others. Only the Assembly-CSharp.dll file needs to be copied. Copying the others will cause the game to crash. If you use the editor to update the game then it will move the file for you when you're prompted to replace the DLL.
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[QUOTE=ottoforumyou;105788]1st post, to sorry if I repeated it... I have .25 and copied Assembly-CSharp.dll to main 7daystodie (kept copy of old one) and got blank screen when starting... do the other .dll need to be copied there like ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll UnityEngine.dll and maybe System.Net.FtpClient.dll[/QUOTE] No, only Assembly-CSharp.dll, make sure you have the right Version (0.25).
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more trouble, sorry I stated I had .25, I tried to let the program update it and is said error initializing Server. Create Socket, thread failure...So I replaced the file back and still got this error. now I am checking the files and probably have to download again. All was working well, my dedicated server on same computer was fine, all the updates I was doing in my normal 7daystodie directory and all my edits were also in this local directory under creative mode that I was trying to bring in...Now, I hope I do not lose all of my friends stuff that they did online on my server when I update or reload the game because some of these files are in both locations...will try to shut down server and save files. ANyother clues why this did not work because everyone really wants to save their builds before the next update...into a prefab at least
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[QUOTE=ottoforumyou;105825]I stated I had .25, I tried to let the program update it and is said error initializing Server. Create Socket, thread failure...So I replaced the file back and still got this error. now I am checking the files and probably have to download again. All was working well, my dedicated server on same computer was fine, all the updates I was doing in my normal 7daystodie directory and all my edits were also in this local directory under creative mode that I was trying to bring in...Now, I hope I do not lose all of my friends stuff that they did online on my server when I update or reload the game because some of these files are in both locations...will try to shut down server and save files. ANyother clues why this did not work because everyone really wants to save their builds before the next update...into a prefab at least[/QUOTE] If the update failed then you don't have the latest version so it won't work. Keep trying to download the update until it works. My server is having issues with the amount of load it's having to process so it may be dropping downloads. But until the update completes successfully you won't be running a version that is compatible with 8.7. If you keep having trouble send me a PM and I'll send you a direct link to the 8.7 update. As long as you don't move files then all my updates are backwards compatible. You won't lose any saved areas as long as the file structure isn't altered. Hal
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my fault Running your program to autoupdate worked better than moving the file manually... I got hung up by trying to run my local dedicated server at the same time to try to run locally as well my creative mode...Only one can work at a time...That was the problem, not your stuff...Whenever I can shut down my local server, I will try to use your file again.... Do the mods like U for unloading amo automatically work, or do I need to do any more???
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ddd? OK, I shut down my server and ran creative mode. got into the console and tried ddd and it said error unknown command, this was after I let it update and replace the Assembly-CSharp.dll file automatically... why, I want to save this area to a prefab to see how it all works instead of using the editor from scratch...
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text vs console...brilliant on your part, idiot on mine.. Yes, I read this yesterday... Normally, I am much better then this...It all clicked and I will test it more when I can shut down my server... I got most of it to work, just need to create a new world and see if my two test blocks are there....I have been good at prefabs already made... I have about 9 players on my server...Can I go to their places and save their location for them, or will it say that this area is already claimed due to their claimblock...are they related? [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] When do you think it will also save their stuff???
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And the flood gates are opening, I have not understood how to add a prefab to an exiting map already running and/or created... I can stop the local game or server, but to not lose any other area, how do I load only one prefab area if that area is not being used???
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[QUOTE=ottoforumyou;105891] When do you think it will also save their stuff???[/QUOTE] I'm not sure it will. I originally wrote the mod to only protect a structure. Reloading items would give the player chance to duplicate cheat all their items. I'm considering allowing a separate item backup function but it's a long way off being written. [QUOTE=ottoforumyou;105892]how do I load only one prefab area if that area is not being used???[/QUOTE] Do you mean load a new prefab into the world? Currently you'd need to delete the region file to make the prefab load. I have something on my to-do list where you'll be able to load a prefab from the mod. That's quite near the top of my list so you may see that feature pretty soon.
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Hal, When trying to save a prefab to your database I get the following errors. ( with our without spawners ) [URL=http://s267.photobucket.com/user/wsiegel/media/Untitled.jpg.html][IMG]http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii294/wsiegel/Untitled.jpg[/IMG][/URL] then.. [URL=http://s267.photobucket.com/user/wsiegel/media/Untitled1.jpg.html][IMG]http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii294/wsiegel/Untitled1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Also the Spawners field is not wide enough to accept each line without word wrapping. I'm sure it works, but looks strange.
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;106059]Hal, When trying to save a prefab to your database I get the following errors. ( with our without spawners ) [URL=http://s267.photobucket.com/user/wsiegel/media/Untitled.jpg.html][IMG]http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii294/wsiegel/Untitled.jpg[/IMG][/URL] then.. [URL=http://s267.photobucket.com/user/wsiegel/media/Untitled1.jpg.html][IMG]http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii294/wsiegel/Untitled1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Also the Spawners field is not wide enough to accept each line without word wrapping. I'm sure it works, but looks strange.[/QUOTE] Hey Wseigel, I'll have a look into it. Could you send me a screenshot of what the form looks like? Sounds like there's a naming issue going on with something.
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Anyone else having an isuue with derpopo's flicker mod? My unload mod is fine, show zombies on map is fine, the mod is set to "1" in the settings.txt but my torches are still flickering. Gives me a headache but I cannot live without the unload mod. I adjusted my light levels to values over 1 to have the torches slow zombies. Could this be the reason I have that annoying flicker?
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