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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;103211]Maybe, if I can figure out how to reload the "vanilla" chunk then yes it will. If I can't, then no it won't ^^ Well I've just got the 8.7 version done. All the commands are working and I wasn't instantly VAC banned. But apparently it can take days or weeks before the ban comes through. So I'm going to delay the release. Partly because I want to see if I get banned and secondly cause my server isn't working properly at the moment. Hal[/QUOTE] Good deal. I shut my server down as well because 8.7 isn't playing nice with it right now for some odd reason. With the lack of players lately, I can't justify keeping it up anyways. I'll just work in single player. However, I'm looking forward to the update!
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Yeah some of the posts seem to have lost their stickiness. Maybe the glue value for it has been updated :D The update is ready but I'm delaying the release for a few days while I see if I get a VAC ban. And the server where I host the download isn't working at the moment so I'd have to host the file somewhere else. Hal
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[QUOTE=Curbolt;103564]No more sticky? whats going on here? Are you Close to release the update?[/QUOTE] A few threads lost their sticky. Bloodslinger's Recipe Editor, Grimm's Unity Asset Editor, my Prefab Spreadsheet, and some others. Don't know why yet, I'm sure the moderators have good reason.
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[QUOTE=Ekk0;103575]A few threads lost their sticky. Bloodslinger's Recipe Editor, Grimm's Unity Asset Editor, my Prefab Spreadsheet, and some others. Don't know why yet, I'm sure the moderators have good reason.[/QUOTE] i really really hope so, don't want to search for the mod tools
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;103211]... Well I've just got the 8.7 version done. All the commands are working and I wasn't instantly VAC banned. But apparently it can take days or weeks before the ban comes through. So I'm going to delay the release. Partly because I want to see if I get banned and secondly cause my server isn't working properly at the moment. Hal[/QUOTE] And for the moment, disabling VAC in the config should prevent any troubles, right? Does it even run on 8.7? Just to put it clear for those that want (or need) to have, lets say, the Backup Manager available on their... good running and well-visited servers again. ;P
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[QUOTE=AussieWombat;104023]A new sub forum called modding tools, has all the tools. Haven't added in the Orientation Guide, but, it is still a work in progress... AussieWombat[/QUOTE] I'm sure it'll be stickied with the rest of the tools once it's released. With all the blocks that are in and coming people are gonna need it! @All Still no issues with the editor. If I haven't had any problems by Sunday I'll probably release the 8.7 version.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;104182]I'm sure it'll be stickied with the rest of the tools once it's released. With all the blocks that are in and coming people are gonna need it! @All Still no issues with the editor. If I haven't had any problems by Sunday I'll probably release the 8.7 version.[/QUOTE] ready? :D
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Update Time! Added: 8.7 Support Added: 8.7 Block Changes Added: DarkNightsComing Weapon Unload Mod Updated: Fixed prefab map generator in download area Notes: New blocks in this update so expect your colours to change. If you have any problems with the blocks try deleting the BlockData.txt and BlockDataDefault.txt files. Now go build your gore block towers :) VAC is now enabled in 7DTD but many posts by the Devs saying there's no reason you should be banned using this mod. I've run it for a few days and no bans as yet ^^ Weapon unload mod is back in this release too. Still an issue if you don't have a free space in your toolbelt and there's no ammo of that type in your inventory you'll lose the ammo. So for now make sure you have at least 1 type of that ammo somewhere in your inventory. Wseigel has also mentioned that car entities in the prefabs are messed up and ignore the rotation that's being set when loading in the game. Looks like this is a problem with the game itself and not the editor but I'll be having a look to see if I can spot the problem. As usual I've tested the core functions but if you have any issues then post here. Cheers, Hal
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Hal, Not sure if it's just me.. but the DerPopo's torch flicker tool doesn't seam to do anything. if checked or unchecked the torch flickers. It doesn't bother me, but was just wondering.. Unload mod works great :) thanks for keeping this in the mod for DarkNightsComing. :)
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;104713]Hal, Not sure if it's just me.. but the DerPopo's torch flicker tool doesn't seam to do anything. if checked or unchecked the torch flickers. It doesn't bother me, but was just wondering.. Unload mod works great :) thanks for keeping this in the mod for DarkNightsComing. :)[/QUOTE] Yeah the other mods are disabled at the moment. I'll add them back in over time. RL keeps getting in the way ^^
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Mini update time! Updated: DerPopo's torch flicker mod enabled again Updated: Red Eagle's Show/Hide Zombies on mini map enabled again Updated: DNC's Weapon Unload mod now adds ammo to your backpack even if there's no ammo of that type in it.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;104947]Yeah, I can't seem to get the entities to not work correctly (looks odd to type that... heh). Not sure what went wrong (or right?), but the editor is working perfectly for me.[/QUOTE] When you go to the police station how are the cars orientated? On Wseigels and mine they're pointing north when they should be pointing west
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Hal, Warsaken's prefab did have all the car entities rotate properly. After doing some testing I found out that he has set all X,Y,and Z, axis for the same rotation. Normally just the X is rotated as Y and Z did nothing yet. Well after testing it appears the X and the Y rotations have been swapped. So now the entities will rotate with the Y value and not the X or Z. Work around is to use the X and Y rotation value set to the same value till the Dev's fix this. Thanks Warsaken for filling in all three values. it was a quick find. :)
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Wsiegel is correct (and you're welcome... lol). I did that because I figured out a while ago that the the z-axis doesn't work yet (pitch) so I did that to know when they fix it and as a reminder to edit my prefabs.... lol. ALL of my prefabs are like that.
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[QUOTE=SiderisAnon;104997]What is the "Install Mini Game" for? I did a search on this thread, but didn't come up with any hits for "mini" that mentioned it.[/QUOTE] In installed another mod I wrote where you and friends would be teleported to a prefab out in the forest and have to defend yourselves against waves of zombies. It's currently deactivated as one of the last patches started causing it to crash out. [QUOTE=Sho'nuff;105029]Any possibility Red Eagle's Torches Slow Zombies mod could be added to the mod list. I enjoy a bit of the old style like when zeds would slow down even at night when they entered a well lit house.[/QUOTE] Maybe. That's more of an asset mod than a DLL. If I remember correctly you can achieve the result by modding the "Light" value for the torch block to above 1. That should slow them down. [QUOTE=Warsaken;105078]Wsiegel is correct (and you're welcome... lol). I did that because I figured out a while ago that the the z-axis doesn't work yet (pitch) so I did that to know when they fix it and as a reminder to edit my prefabs.... lol. ALL of my prefabs are like that.[/QUOTE] Ahh, good to know Wseigel, thanks! Strange how they've flipped the rotations. Espectially as Y is up. Nice work figuring it out you two. Hal
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