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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Update Time! Updated: New GUI for the editor Updated: FTP system Added: "bbb reg" will now tell you your region location in game Added: Ability to delete just the region your prefab is located in. Added: Remove Row and Column keyboard shortcuts (Look in the Prefab dropdown menu) Added: Change Mode keyboard shortcuts (Look in the Editor dropdown menu) Added: Reset block damage for entire prefab Finally got some time to knock some items off the To-Do list. The main change for the editor is obviously the GUI. It's probably still not absolutely finished but have a play around with it. I've tried to make it accessible for most resolutions but if you have any trouble let me know and I'll see what I can swap about. The first iteration of keyboard shortcuts are in too. Turned out to be a lot easier than last time I did them but let me know if there's any weird behaviour. When inserting a prefab at the players location it will now just delete the region that you're inserting into. You also now have the option to delete the specified region from the World X,Y,Z area. Just select the save in the dropdown and click Delete Region. In the server there's now a new command called "reg" that will display your current region. There's also been some changes to the FTP client but if it's worked correctly you shouldn't notice anything new. I've removed the Last Stand mod from the game at the moment as some changes by TFP seem to make it crash the server so until I can figure out what's going wrong I've removed it entirely. As always I've done the basic checks and haven't found any issues but let me know what you find. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;99018]Update Time! Updated: New GUI for the editor Updated: FTP system Added: "bbb reg" will now tell you your region location in game Added: Ability to delete just the region your prefab is located in. Added: Remove Row and Column keyboard shortcuts (Look in the Prefab dropdown menu) Added: Change Mode keyboard shortcuts (Look in the Editor dropdown menu) Added: Reset block damage for entire prefab Finally got some time to knock some items off the To-Do list. The main change for the editor is obviously the GUI. It's probably still not absolutely finished but have a play around with it. I've tried to make it accessible for most resolutions but if you have any trouble let me know and I'll see what I can swap about. The first iteration of keyboard shortcuts are in too. Turned out to be a lot easier than last time I did them but let me know if there's any weird behaviour. When inserting a prefab at the players location it will now just delete the region that you're inserting into. You also now have the option to delete the specified region from the World X,Y,Z area. Just select the save in the dropdown and click Delete Region. In the server there's now a new command called "reg" that will display your current region. There's also been some changes to the FTP client but if it's worked correctly you shouldn't notice anything new. I've removed the Last Stand mod from the game at the moment as some changes by TFP seem to make it crash the server so until I can figure out what's going wrong I've removed it entirely. As always I've done the basic checks and haven't found any issues but let me know what you find. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Woah thanks for the update. Suggestions: Could you Change the Tab "General Settings" that we can choose the left or right side? I don't like it on the right. :P Is it possible when i open the Editor, maximize the window and Close it, that the window Settings will be saved? When i open the Editor the window Position is also not saved, changes everytime. ok thats enough :D So far good Job again :encouragement:
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[QUOTE=Curbolt;99023]Woah thanks for the update. Suggestions: Could you Change the Tab "General Settings" that we can choose the left or right side? [/QUOTE] Do a manual update. You can then right click where it says "General Settings" and choose left or right [QUOTE=Sythius;99078]Thanks for the update Hal, updated with no problem. Loving the new GUI and features. Unfortunately need to set the colours of my blocks again. I wouldn't mind it opening maximized and saving window settings.[/QUOTE] Are you using the same directory as the last version? If not then you can manually copy BlockData.txt, BlockDataDefault.txt and Settings.txt to keep your colours and settings info. I've also now defaulted it to maximised screen when opening. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;99110]Do a manual update. You can then right click where it says "General Settings" and choose left or right Are you using the same directory as the last version? If not then you can manually copy BlockData.txt, BlockDataDefault.txt and Settings.txt to keep your colours and settings info. I've also now defaulted it to maximised screen when opening. Hal[/QUOTE] Thanks for the update, now thats better :D
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;99110] Are you using the same directory as the last version? If not then you can manually copy BlockData.txt, BlockDataDefault.txt and Settings.txt to keep your colours and settings info. I've also now defaulted it to maximised screen when opening. Hal[/QUOTE] Using same directory, it is fine though, it takes a lot longer to code the colour blocks then it does for me to just change them :) Thanks for making it open in maximized mode, it says me a click of a button lol Thanks again for the great work.
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[QUOTE=Hiyoto;99225]Wonderfully done! It's too late tonight; I can't wait to play with it tomorrow![/QUOTE] You did all the hard work. I just moved some stuff around. Thanks for the layout, I think it works a lot better than the old one. Looks like they're aiming for 8.7 at the weekend. Hopefully it won't take too long to update the editor. I've also got permission from DNC to try and implement his Weapon Unload mod into my stuff while he's taking a break. So that might make it into the mix too (if I can get it working - you should see in the code what he's had to change to make it all work. Very impressive - but confusing as hell :D). Hal
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For those of you who don't mind testing and want DNC's Weapon Unload mod back in the game you can do a manual update to get it. As usual it's bound to the U key but you can change it in the keyboard preferences. Now with the added bonus of you don't need any ammo of that type already in your inventory It probably won't be in the first release after 8.7 but at least I now know where to be looking to implement it. Have fun unloading. Hal
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I'm not sure if I have something set incorrectly or not, but when I import into the editor entities aren't imported with it. I haven't tested anything else, but the cars are not imported at all. Have I missed something somewhere? I don't believe it used to be this way.
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Hi Warsaken, Are you loading an exported file from the server? Entities aren't saved in exports as they're not part of the block system. If you mean you're saving a prefab and the entities aren't saving then let me know and I'll have a look Hal
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hey Hal, Unloading a weapon without the required ammo in inventory: the unloading works except that the ammo vanishes into thin air. (Pistol and Shotgun tried) Unloading a weapon with the required ammo in inventory: it works fine, the unloaded ammo is put into inventory correctly incl creating a new stack if a full stack of ammo is already present. Cheers and thanks for working the mod back in.
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[QUOTE=Last-I;100664]hey Hal, Unloading a weapon without the required ammo in inventory: the unloading works except that the ammo vanishes into thin air. (Pistol and Shotgun tried) Unloading a weapon with the required ammo in inventory: it works fine, the unloaded ammo is put into inventory correctly incl creating a new stack if a full stack of ammo is already present. Cheers and thanks for working the mod back in.[/QUOTE] Thanks for that Last-I. Just checked and if you have a free slot in your toolbelt it will add the ammo there but if your toolbelt is full it disappears. I'll have a look into it for the next patch. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;100645]Hi Warsaken, Are you loading an exported file from the server? Entities aren't saved in exports as they're not part of the block system. If you mean you're saving a prefab and the entities aren't saving then let me know and I'll have a look Hal[/QUOTE] Yeah, I'm loading an exported file. I could have sworn they loaded before. I must have been dreaming... lol.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;100768]Yeah, I'm loading an exported file. I could have sworn they loaded before. I must have been dreaming... lol.[/QUOTE] You may be thinking of the car wrecks. They'd be included because they're actually blocks, not entities. I've added looking into including the entities onto my to-do list though so you may see the option at some point Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;100860]You may be thinking of the car wrecks. They'd be included because they're actually blocks, not entities. I've added looking into including the entities onto my to-do list though so you may see the option at some point Hal[/QUOTE] I think I've just been flipping between the game and your editor so much that I was imagining even more functions... *laugh*. That would be, however, amazing if one day the editor could import entities from the exported files. That would make updating for future alpha/beta versions much more simplified for those that use entities (like the 50+ cars my new Shopping Center has) if we ever need to export from the game again.
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First of all, thank you for this great project. I was very glad to find my favourite mods in this .dll, but for some reason I can't get the "drop on death none option" working. It's also greyed out in the mod settings. We have been using this feature in our MP game and would be very glad to get it back. Also, would it be at all possible to include the no zooming after reload into the same .dll? I have gotten used to it, and it's very hard to play how it works by default. Thank you again. :-)
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Suggestion: Add Block Noise Popup tool from the Prefab dropdown menu Attributes: Block (dropdown) - Select available block type in prefab Layer (checkbox) - Noise applies to either layer or entire prefab Enable (checkbox) Apply noise to Rotation Rotation (2 sliders) - Define min/max range to randomize Rotation Bias (% spinner) - Define prevalence in the median of the range Rotation Bias Falloff (% spinner) - Define intensity of the bias Enable (checkbox) Apply noise to Damage Damage (2 sliders) - Define min/max range to randomize Damage Bias (% spinner) - Define prevalence in the median of the range Damage Bias Falloff (% spinner) - Define intensity of the bias Enable (checkbox) Apply noise to Meta Meta (2 sliders) - Define min/max range to randomize Meta Bias (% spinner) - Define prevalence in the median of the range Meta Bias Falloff (% spinner) - Define intensity of the bias Enable (checkbox) Apply noise block replacement Block 1 (dropdown) Select a replacement block Block 1 Bias (% spinner) - Define prevalence of the block used; must total to 100% Block 2 (dropdown) Select a replacement block Block 2 Bias (% spinner) - Define prevalence of the block used; must total to 100% Add (button) Add another block to list Remove (button) remove last block in list Enable (checkbox) Apply noise deletion Invert (checkbox) Instead of holes, make "islands" of blocks (wording escapes me on this one; it's like inverting the color of an image) Percentage (% spinner) Amount of blocks to replace with Air Radius X (Integer Spinner) Range of blocks to remove from origin of removed block Radius Y (Integer Spinner) Range of blocks to remove from origin of removed block Radius Z (Integer Spinner) Range of blocks to remove from origin of removed block Example: Lay a solid temporary layer. Randomly replace with array of tree blocks. Randomly make gaps between trees. Apply noise to vary rotation. Make a building feel worn with random block damage Clutter terrain with decals and vehicle parts Randomly replace "clean" bricks or wood with old ones Create craters in terrain I'm a fan of automation. :emmersed: (translation: lazy)
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[QUOTE=Henshaw;100991]First of all, thank you for this great project. I was very glad to find my favourite mods in this .dll, but for some reason I can't get the "drop on death none option" working. It's also greyed out in the mod settings. We have been using this feature in our MP game and would be very glad to get it back. Also, would it be at all possible to include the no zooming after reload into the same .dll? I have gotten used to it, and it's very hard to play how it works by default. Thank you again. :-)[/QUOTE] Hi Henshaw, Yes, some mods get disabled when TFP release a new patch. I add them back in over time. I think for the Drop on Death None mod you can just change the option in the server config file to a value that isn't an option. Like 7 for instance. Not tried it but I think I remember Red Eagle saying something like that. [QUOTE=Hiyoto;101088]Suggestion: Add Block Noise I'm a fan of automation. :emmersed: (translation: lazy)[/QUOTE] I think you're shooting the moon there Hiyoto! Nice idea but I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you. Mainly cause I'm lazy too ;) And your automation = my work haha Plus you'd definitely need an undo button before those features. Though you may be getting one of those. But keep the suggestions coming, if I get back into 7DTD I'll be spending more time with the editor. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;101213]Hi Henshaw, Yes, some mods get disabled when TFP release a new patch. I add them back in over time. I think for the Drop on Death None mod you can just change the option in the server config file to a value that isn't an option. Like 7 for instance. Not tried it but I think I remember Red Eagle saying something like that. [/QUOTE] Thank you for the reply. I am hosting our game on my own computer that I play on, so it doesn't use a serverconfig file at all. I also was using it in my solo game. What commands exactly is the .dll needed for? I think I will stay with the Multi Mod .dll and only switch to yours for taking backups for now if needed. It would only be copying a file over anyway, so not a big problem.
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[QUOTE=Henshaw;101225]Thank you for the reply. I am hosting our game on my own computer that I play on, so it doesn't use a serverconfig file at all. I also was using it in my solo game. What commands exactly is the .dll needed for? I think I will stay with the Multi Mod .dll and only switch to yours for taking backups for now if needed. It would only be copying a file over anyway, so not a big problem.[/QUOTE] Even if you're hosting on your local system it uses the serverconfig.xml file in the 7DTD directory. That's where you customise the server options (zombie run etc). You can't access the options for SP though, that's done through the GUI so will need the mod. All the bbb commands require the DLL + any of the mods that are active in my code like the Weapon Unload mod by DNC. If you want swap the DLL make sure you close and re-open the 7DTD client and server for the DLL to become active. Hal
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Hello Hal, I downloaded the editor and was following Ekk0s post on how to make a prefab from something built in game. I got to the part with the instructions on the back up editor and when I went to Save Player, I get an error. [attachment=33:name] Im not sure where to go from here. Using win 8.1 btw.
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Hi Scykotic, The good news is that error won't stop you doing anything with the editor. It's just trying to tell the game to refresh its data and failiing. I don't use Windows 8 (it's condensed evil in my humble opinion) but I don't think there's any major permission changes that would need a custom solution. Can you have a look and see if that directory exists? It's in %7DTD%\Saves\Navesgane\testing\BlockBackup\Commands If any one of those folders is missing then create it and try again, it should work without error then. Cheers, Hal
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