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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=ketchu13;88500][COLOR="#FFF0F5"]Thank you Hal, all seems to work very fine :encouragement: Just found a little bug or it's just an oversight. I can fill a rectangle on the prefab layer with the third mouse button also in info mode like in this video = > [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tIsoOuPOQI[/url] Sorry for the low quality at the begining Ketchu[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Thanks Ketchu, updated in the next version. [QUOTE=limodor;88702]i have some problems here, i crate a house in creative mode zhen export it and load it in the editor it creates a prefab ok, load in a new world looks all normal only the gable looks wired ok not a big deal but then i press only save in the editor and load the prefab in a new world all blocks a re different that look so sorry for bad english i hope you unterstand what i mean, what im doing wrong or forget? i do manual update delete the blockdata, never had this problem in older versions maybe anyone can help me[/QUOTE] Can you post the prefab Limodor? With a description of what the blocks should be. Cheers, Hal
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Hello, I have converted for you this prefab. For convert your other prefabs you just have to hexedit the tts saved by the prefab editor, after have imported an exported prefab. In the header you have 74 74 73 00 05 Simply replace the version byte value 05 by 06 in the tts file. Maybe you don't have the good Dll Regards, ketchu
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;88766]Thanks Ketchu, updated in the next version. Can you post the prefab Limodor? With a description of what the blocks should be. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] @hal i send you the downloadlink @ketchu your hex edit works fine i tested this also now but what you mean with the bad dll the editor alwys overwrite it?
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Update Time! Added: DarkNightComing Weapon unload and Prefab importer and Red Eagle LXIX Drop Nothing mods (thanks guys!) Updated: Importing exports now works (honestly) Updated: Middle Drag disabled when in Info mode [QUOTE=ketchu13;88767]Hello, I have converted for you this prefab. For convert your other prefabs you just have to hexedit the tts saved by the prefab editor, after have imported an exported prefab. In the header you have 74 74 73 00 05 Simply replace the version byte value 05 by 06 in the tts file. Maybe you don't have the good Dll Regards, ketchu[/QUOTE] Thanks Ketchu, the problem was the Disc prefab (which exports were loaded as by default) was still saving in the version 5 format. But you post helped me find the problem :) [QUOTE=limodor;88783]i used other wedges now the bug is gone [URL=http://imgur.com/K01cPsB][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/K01cPsB.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/QUOTE] Glad you sorted it. The problem shouldn't occur with the next export you try. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=limodor;88781] @ketchu your hex edit works fine i tested this also now but what you mean with the bad dll the editor alwys overwrite it?[/QUOTE] >limodor I thought you still had the dll version 0.17, check your Dll modified date in your 7 Days To Die directory. >Hal, It's a pleasure. Can you edit, please, the alpha version, shown on the 7DaysToDie menu as in the previous version of your mod ? ketchu
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Every damn time! I've integrated DNC and Red's mods into the assembly three times and EVERY - DAMN - TIME they release a new version the next day! I think I'm the only person in the world that's frustrated by TFPs awesome work ethic :D
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;89106]Every damn time! I've integrated DNC and Red's mods into the assembly three times and EVERY - DAMN - TIME they release a new version the next day! I think I'm the only person in the world that's frustrated by TFPs awesome work ethic :D[/QUOTE] [COLOR="#FFF0F5"]Your are not alone.. Hang in there. We need you :cool: Ketchu[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;89106]Every damn time! I've integrated DNC and Red's mods into the assembly three times and EVERY - DAMN - TIME they release a new version the next day! I think I'm the only person in the world that's frustrated by TFPs awesome work ethic :D[/QUOTE] I know what you are sayin'. I do not have to rewrite a program every time a new release comes out but I do modify the models files quite a bit and I have to go in and change those settings back after every update. But usually it is a good change. I am glad mines work again. Anyway, don't kill yourself trying to keep up with the Pimps. BTW any ETA on the ability to have prefabs show dynamically on the in-game map?
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[QUOTE=Sho'nuff;89208] BTW any ETA on the ability to have prefabs show dynamically on the in-game map?[/QUOTE] It's half implemented. Open the editor and click on "Download Prefabs", then click on "Generate Map". This will make a PNG file in the editor folder called "Map.png" this will have the outlines of all the prefabs in your prefab.xml file. You can then convert the PNG to a DDS using Paint.net ([URL="http://www.getpaint.net/"]link[/URL]) and import it using UAE. I'm planning on using SharpDX or something similar to save it straight to DDS so that will make it easier. But unless UAE gets command line options I can't add it straight into the asset file. So it's up to the end user for that bit. I'll probably add the ability to change the colour of the outlines for the prefabs and being able to add labels etc too at some point. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;89248]It's half implemented. Open the editor and click on "Download Prefabs", then click on "Generate Map". This will make a PNG file in the editor folder called "Map.png" this will have the outlines of all the prefabs in your prefab.xml file. You can then convert the PNG to a DDS using Paint.net ([URL="http://www.getpaint.net/"]link[/URL]) and import it using UAE. I'm planning on using SharpDX or something similar to save it straight to DDS so that will make it easier. But unless UAE gets command line options I can't add it straight into the asset file. So it's up to the end user for that bit. I'll probably add the ability to change the colour of the outlines for the prefabs and being able to add labels etc too at some point. Hal[/QUOTE] Kick ass! My prefabs.xml has so many extra listings I forgot where half the crap is. LOL. Though it is a nice surprise every once in a while to come across a building when I wasn't expecting it.
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[QUOTE=Sho'nuff;89358]Kick ass! My prefabs.xml has so many extra listings I forgot where half the crap is. LOL. Though it is a nice surprise every once in a while to come across a building when I wasn't expecting it.[/QUOTE] If you get tired of the surprises then open the editor, click on "Download Prefabs" then right click on one of the prefabs in the bottom list and click "Show on map" - that should help :)
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The show on map is a nice feature for checking locations on the fly. After uploading a prefab is there a way to edit after it has been completed, I just skipped over the description area and I am thinking now a description would be nice for others. I tend to be a bit impulsive.
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[QUOTE=Sho'nuff;89379]The show on map is a nice feature for checking locations on the fly. After uploading a prefab is there a way to edit after it has been completed, I just skipped over the description area and I am thinking now a description would be nice for others. I tend to be a bit impulsive.[/QUOTE] At the minute, no, there's no option to edit uploaded prefabs. I'm going to add in a "Manage my uploads" bit when I get time. But if you upload the prefab again with the same name it replaces the old one and increase the internal version number. This is so I can build in an auto-update feature for users. They'll get a message saying "Look - Sho'Nuff has updated a prefab you've downloaded. Would you like me to download the update?"
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Nice. I can wait to add a description til that feature is implemented. Not only can I be impulsive but indecisive too (bad combo) so if I start re-uploading now I will be on version 1,000 in a week with out changing one block in my prefabs.:unconscious:
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[QUOTE=Myzaar;90434]But 8.4 and 8.5 shouldn't change any of the files the prefab editor changes so these last two patches shouldn't make a difference.[/QUOTE] It does if you have to keep modding the other things, not just the editor.. the mods and the import/export stuff.. because the dll gets over written they need to be updated and checked that they don't interfere with anything else that has been added.
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Interesting... Hi everyone. Just wanted to subscribe to this thread for the latest news regarding the editor. I'd love to try that out when as soon it's possible. Something different and slightly offtopic*sry* but heres a chance for it and I have to admit that: [B]I love your prefabs Wsiegel[/B] :shame: Most of them are currently running on a private server I run for a friend. Basically everyone in the community loves them and we hope you have fun and keep on making these for some time. You even inspire me so far that I plan on looking into prefabbing myself. :encouragement: Also big thanks to HAL9000 for making this editor, though I havent tried it myself,... yet. :distracted:
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