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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[B] [/B] Block 317 is free but I was wondering if the editor will recognize it. Perhaps the unknown block ID could be changed to 317 (or another free block) than, as I stated before, we could just replace the ID. I suppose this wouldn't work with multiple unknown blocks in a prefab. I know nothing about coding so maybe I should just stop throwing out ideas.
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I think the block id's are the same ( haven't changed ) so the previous prefabs will work. However they did shorten the names for recipes. 8.2 release notes This shouldn't have any effect on the prefabs block id's only the text in the name of the block in the editor. Below is the new concrete tube with the old concrete tube.. same id, just shorter name. I don't think this should cause a block id error as the id's are still the same. Not sure how to parse name only changes. But I think this update had only name changes. New---- [COLOR="#FFFF00"] [/COLOR] Old ------ [COLOR="#00FF00"] [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;88020]Okay something weird is going on here... All the lights that are turned on are showing up as unknown blocks. lights that are the same yet turned Off are okay. Also after changing all the block to legal blocks in the editor. the game world will not load... if I hit escape after a few minutes i get into the game with only like only 16 blocks around me generated. Change the prefab back to the original one and everything is fine. change back to test and no load.[/QUOTE] Yes, it seems something went wrong with the latest update. The editor claimed my woodFloor01 was unknown, but replacing them resulted in black squares in-game. Some other blocks are wrong, eg. wedgeCabinFlagstone in the editor is wedgeCabinShingles in-game, and wedgeFlagstoneShingles is wedgeBrick. They worked a few hours ago.
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@limodor Ok thanks for the info, I've tracked another bug. Do a manual update and see if that helps. @Wseigel Yeah that's the change in the code. The way the information for meta data and texture ID gets stored has been changed. So anything in an old prefab will cause an unknown block because it's in the old way. Can you send me the prefab file that's caused the world not to load? I haven't been able to reproduce that. @Sho'nuff - There's currently no way to use the replace function on unknown blocks. It's on my to-do list though. Cheers, Hal -- edit @Seventh Rat - Are you running the latest version? It should say "0.16" in the menu form
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;88030]I think the block id's are the same ( haven't changed ) so the previous prefabs will work. However they did shorten the names for recipes. 8.2 release notes This shouldn't have any effect on the prefabs block id's only the text in the name of the block in the editor. Below is the new concrete tube with the old concrete tube.. same id, just shorter name. I don't think this should cause a block id error as the id's are still the same. Not sure how to parse name only changes. But I think this update had only name changes. New---- [COLOR="#FFFF00"] [/COLOR] Old ------ [COLOR="#00FF00"] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] The ID hasn't changed but the game uses something call Bit Masking to store the information about a block (if you're really, REALLY bored you can read about it [URL="http://www.vipan.com/htdocs/bitwisehelp.html"]here[/URL]). The values used for masking the metadata and textureID have changed. This is causing the problems you're seeing. @Seventh Rat - Sound like you were unlucky enough to get the 0.15 update (but thanks for being so quick to update :D) try deleting your BlockData.txt and BlockDataDefault.txt files. Let me know if that doesn't work.
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AHA! They've changed the prefab versions! We now have a version 6 prefab and my editor only reads and saves version 5. It's all making sense now... I'm going to try and do a quick fix but I'm running out of time for this evening.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;88046]AHA! They've changed the prefab versions! We now have a version 6 prefab and my editor only reads and saves version 5. It's all making sense now... I'm going to try and do a quick fix but I'm running out of time for this evening.[/QUOTE] Thanks Hal, Don't loose any sleep over it.. We can wait. Good catch and hope this goes smoothly for you.. Thanks for the link.. I do get bored and will read through it. Thanks ------- Well at least they made is backwards compatible with a conversion routine... at least for now that is. :)
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;88036]@limodor Ok thanks for the info, I've tracked another bug. Do a manual update and see if that helps. @Wseigel Yeah that's the change in the code. The way the information for meta data and texture ID gets stored has been changed. So anything in an old prefab will cause an unknown block because it's in the old way. Can you send me the prefab file that's caused the world not to load? I haven't been able to reproduce that. @Sho'nuff - There's currently no way to use the replace function on unknown blocks. It's on my to-do list though. Cheers, Hal -- edit @Seventh Rat - Are you running the latest version? It should say "0.16" in the menu form[/QUOTE] importing *.ex files works now, thank you
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Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more... Version 0.17 is now released. This SHOULD sort the prefab issues out. It'll convert version 5 prefabs to version 6 and that should get them loading correctly. I'm out of time for this evening though so let me know if there's still issues and I'll look at them tomorrow. Unfortunately this may not work if you've already loaded and saved a prefab. So my apologies if I've ballsed up your prefab. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;88063]Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more... Version 0.17 is now released. This SHOULD sort the prefab issues out. It'll convert version 5 prefabs to version 6 and that should get them loading correctly. I'm out of time for this evening though so let me know if there's still issues and I'll look at them tomorrow. Unfortunately this may not work if you've already loaded and saved a prefab. So my apologies if I've ballsed up your prefab. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Work fine with my Arena prefab, a great new for me ! Many thanks Hal
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[COLOR="#FFF0F5"]Hello, I have tried your software for exported an prefab builded in game. A great tool, I think, but I have this issue described in this video : [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcL-pU1kTo0[/url] Let me know, if someone can reproduce this bug, maybe i'm doing something wrong and sorry if you are already aware for this issue. Edit: Exported file is saved into a version 5 in the header of the tts file. If I edit the header with a hexa editor and replace 05 by 06 all work fine ! Ketchu13[/COLOR]
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Many thanks HAL. Everything seems to be working great. I do have one question. Is there any way to use the copy function between two instances of the editor? I usually do detail work in game mode but It would be cool to avoid exporting all the other junk every time I do some interior decorating. As it is I enter the world and do some detailing then export my claim. I open up another with the exported claim and reference them in my development prefab. Thanks Again Sudo
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[QUOTE=ketchu13;88108][COLOR="#FFF0F5"]Hello, I have tried your software for exported an prefab builded in game. A great tool, I think, but I have this issue described in this video : [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcL-pU1kTo0[/url] Let me know, if someone can reproduce this bug, maybe i'm doing something wrong and sorry if you are already aware for this issue. Edit: Exported file is saved into a version 5 in the header of the tts file. If I edit the header with a hexa editor and replace 05 by 06 all work fine ! Ketchu13[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Ahh yes, the DLL will need modifying to use the version 6 stuff too. Nice catch Ketchu - I'll add it in tonight after work [QUOTE=sudo;88139]Many thanks HAL. Everything seems to be working great. I do have one question. Is there any way to use the copy function between two instances of the editor? I usually do detail work in game mode but It would be cool to avoid exporting all the other junk every time I do some interior decorating. As it is I enter the world and do some detailing then export my claim. I open up another with the exported claim and reference them in my development prefab. Thanks Again Sudo[/QUOTE] Hmm, passing information between processes is usually a bit of a ballache. I might be able to cheat and just save some information to a file and use that as a global clipboard. I'll run some tests and if it's quick enought I'll add it to my To-Do list. Cheers, Hal
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Hey Hal, The editor is working great for me. Though, I haven't tried to export anything yet. I noticed that the .dll was rushed out a bit from previous posts and still needed some work. I found that DNC's 8.2 version of the unload mod didn't work with your .dll file. I downloaded DNC's own .dll to give it a try and it worked. Just wanted to give you a heads up. I love the editor and it is a plus having the mods bundled with it.
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[QUOTE=Sho'nuff;88296]Hey Hal, The editor is working great for me. Though, I haven't tried to export anything yet. I noticed that the .dll was rushed out a bit from previous posts and still needed some work. I found that DNC's 8.2 version of the unload mod didn't work with your .dll file. I downloaded DNC's own .dll to give it a try and it worked. Just wanted to give you a heads up. I love the editor and it is a plus having the mods bundled with it.[/QUOTE] Yeah it was released without the additional mods as I couldn't get them to integrate properly. It was mentioned in the release for 0.15. I'll be looking at adding them back in once everything's stable and I know which fire I'm fighting.
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Had to sleep and work myself, but now I got around to checking my house. I had only replaced some floor blocks, which was easy to fix. The editor is working perfect. I also tried exporting, and the first time brickDecayedTan turned into cement. Some blocks that were already in the world came up as unknown. But the second time everything was as it should.
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[QUOTE=sudo;88139]Many thanks HAL. Everything seems to be working great. I do have one question. Is there any way to use the copy function between two instances of the editor? I usually do detail work in game mode but It would be cool to avoid exporting all the other junk every time I do some interior decorating. As it is I enter the world and do some detailing then export my claim. I open up another with the exported claim and reference them in my development prefab. Thanks Again Sudo[/QUOTE] If you create an area in the game and add your prefab to it there's another export function called "exy" that lets you specify height you could try E.g. bbb exy MyPrefab 66 101 This will export just the layers 66-101 for your specified area. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=sethturace;88383]Hi, can we palce entities? when i click this radio button theres only a white field //and conretetrimX blocks dont work correctly + pole (wood) is always concrete pole a.s.o.[/QUOTE] Entities will be back in the next version. Are you sure about the concretetrim blocks? I just added all of them and they seemed to load fine. New version with tweaks shouldn't be long till it's released [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Seventh Rat;88344]Had to sleep and work myself, but now I got around to checking my house. I had only replaced some floor blocks, which was easy to fix. The editor is working perfect. I also tried exporting, and the first time brickDecayedTan turned into cement. Some blocks that were already in the world came up as unknown. But the second time everything was as it should.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the update Rat. Exporting will be fixed in the next one so you won't have to reload it.
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[COLOR="#FFF0F5"]Thank you Hal, all seems to work very fine :encouragement: Just found a little bug or it's just an oversight. I can fill a rectangle on the prefab layer with the third mouse button also in info mode like in this video = > [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tIsoOuPOQI[/url] Sorry for the low quality at the begining Ketchu[/COLOR]
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i have some problems here, i crate a house in creative mode zhen export it and load it in the editor it creates a prefab ok, load in a new world looks all normal only the gable looks wired [URL=http://imgur.com/Ow6NaAp][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Ow6NaAp.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imgur.com/zBBW1yT][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/zBBW1yT.jpg[/IMG][/URL] ok not a big deal but then i press only save in the editor and load the prefab in a new world all blocks a re different that look so [URL=http://imgur.com/6zNK81c][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/6zNK81c.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imgur.com/Mc7P5AQ][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Mc7P5AQ.jpg[/IMG][/URL] sorry for bad english i hope you unterstand what i mean, what im doing wrong or forget? i do manual update delete the blockdata, never had this problem in older versions maybe anyone can help me
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