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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[ATTACH=CONFIG]2687[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2688[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2689[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2690[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2691[/ATTACH] The 1st pic is cabin_01.tts (open in memory) 2nd pic is cabin_01.tts (Open from disk) 3rd pic is cabin_01.tts (previous version of editor) 4th pic (Just a house - capecodhome.tts - open in memory) 5th pic (Just a house - capecodhome.tts - open from disk) When opening the cabin_01.tts from disk I do not get the message but the blocks are still unidentified. I can use the previous version of the editor to edit prefabs but would like to use all the updated features in the current editor. I suppose I could copy the required dll's to utilize current build features and use the old version to edit but if there is a fix you know of I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you.
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Hal, the info problem still exist in the latest version. How to repeat.. 10x10x10 prefab On layer 0 fill half with stone.. so you have half stone half air select info mode. left click on a stone block for info. now move the cursor over an air block. scroll the layer up and down using the mouse wheel, You will see the block you left clicked on now turns to air. move back over a stone block and scroll up and down and it changes back to stone. when ever you left click on a black in info mode and then scroll the layer. that selected block chances to whatever you hover over when you change layers. To workaround you must first exit info mode before scrolling to another layer.
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[QUOTE=Sho'nuff;81863][ATTACH=CONFIG]2687[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2688[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2689[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2690[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2691[/ATTACH] The 1st pic is cabin_01.tts (open in memory) 2nd pic is cabin_01.tts (Open from disk) 3rd pic is cabin_01.tts (previous version of editor) 4th pic (Just a house - capecodhome.tts - open in memory) 5th pic (Just a house - capecodhome.tts - open from disk) Last pic is (Just a house - capecodhome.tts - previous version of editor. When opening the cabin_01.tts from disk I do not get the message but the blocks are still unidentified. I can use the previous version of the editor to edit prefabs but would like to use all the updated features in the current editor. I suppose I could copy the required dll's to utilize current build features and use the old version to edit but if there is a fix you know of I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you.[/QUOTE] You can try to delete the BlockData.txt and BlocksDataDefault.txt in the editors directory. restart the editor. It will then add new block and create these data file again. It has helped for me when things got mixed up between versions. :)
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Tried deleting the BlockData.txt and BlocksDataDefault.txt in the editors directory, still black but the editor does identify the type of block when the cursor is over it. Guess the only real problem is nearly all the block are black, I say nearly because a few blocks actually have color. Tried to upload a pic of some colored blocks mixed with the black but the forum won't upload it.
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[QUOTE=Sho'nuff;81871]Tried deleting the BlockData.txt and BlocksDataDefault.txt in the editors directory, still black but the editor does identify the type of block when the cursor is over it. Guess the only real problem is nearly all the block are black, I say nearly because a few blocks actually have color. Tried to upload a pic of some colored blocks mixed with the black but the forum won't upload it.[/QUOTE] The color of the blocks can be changed by clicking on the color block window while in info mode, but I think the default color blocks are in the blockdata.txt as RGB entries. Strange how the older version works for you. are you using the 32bit version and not his special 64bit one? You might just want to copy the older version over and delete the blocksdata.txt files again and let it upgrade to the newer version. I don't know if the link has the latest download to install from scratch
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[QUOTE=Sho'nuff;81878]Not sure which version I am currently using I just update as they become available.[/QUOTE] Then you must be using the 32 bit if you downloaded it from the original link. if re-loading and upgrading it doesn't help then I think Hal will be able to help you more... sorry I couldn't help you more. you could also try opening it memory, then save as... new name... close the editor, then reopen the new save.
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[QUOTE=Sho'nuff;81889]Got it! Thanks for your help Wsiegel. I just copied the old block data over and, viola, instant fix.[/QUOTE] Do you have access to the new blocks like window02? if you are using and older blockdata.txt you may not have the new blocks and possibly wrong block id's
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[QUOTE=Sho'nuff;81902]Yeah I have access to the new windows. I used your blockdata file a few pages back to add them into the older version.[/QUOTE] This was only for the windows I needed. Hal had done the complete edit with block id changes that happened etc... you may find strange things with block id's, Hal should be able to help you get a real up to date version if deleting it and letting it recreate it doesn't work. here are my up to date files you can try. [URL="http://www.mediafire.com/view/iete7tgb239wazd/BlockDataDefault.txt"]DefaultData[/URL] and [URL="http://www.mediafire.com/view/t97bd3lly3s2thz/BlockData.txt"]Blockdata[/URL]
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Thank you for sorting that Wseigel :) and I'll have another look at the info button bug and stomp it. I love it when there's reproducible steps! That's a strange error Sho'nuff - it's almost like the BlockDataDefault.txt file got placed in the BlockData.txt but I can't think of a reason for that to happen without it happening for everyone. Glad Wseigel managed to sort it for you though. Just to be sure, is anyone else having block troubles? The last update wasn't anywhere near ready for release when I sent it out, my bad. It was just a bored sunday afternoons coding that got out of hand haha.
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Tried x86 version from 1st post. Let it update, which it did. Same problem for me as what Sho'nuff had. Tried all the tips and tricks that Wsiegel posted, but still have mostly black blocks in the editor. Tried updating, swapping block txt files, deleting and what not, just can't get the default block colors to show in the layers at all. (some blocks have color, but most are black) So I gather I'm left with manually editing each block color?
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I was wondering how difficult it would be to implement the ability to find and replace all of a certain type of block. Let's say I built my prefab out of white siding and wanted to change it to blue. Have the editor find all instances of white siding and replace with blue siding. Similar to the find and replace function in notepad++.
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[QUOTE=Sho'nuff;82445]I was wondering how difficult it would be to implement the ability to find and replace all of a certain type of block. Let's say I built my prefab out of white siding and wanted to change it to blue. Have the editor find all instances of white siding and replace with blue siding. Similar to the find and replace function in notepad++.[/QUOTE] That is already available. It is the function under the prefab pull down menu, "replace block ID" You can choose to replace one block type for another. You can also choose to only replace in the current layer by checking the "on this layer" box or uncheck it and it will replace the blocks for all the layers in the prefab. :) another great added feature
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[QUOTE=smashly;82432]Tried x86 version from 1st post. Let it update, which it did. Same problem for me as what Sho'nuff had. Tried all the tips and tricks that Wsiegel posted, but still have mostly black blocks in the editor. Tried updating, swapping block txt files, deleting and what not, just can't get the default block colors to show in the layers at all. (some blocks have color, but most are black) So I gather I'm left with manually editing each block color?[/QUOTE] If you delete both the Blockdata.txt and the BlockDataDefault.txt files, then download the two files from the above post into you 7D2D editor folder and restart the editor it should work. I just tried a new installation from the original link and had the same problem. block boxes, deleted the two files and downloaded the ones in the link and it worked. Hal: There is something wrong in the creation of the BlocksDataDefault.txt file. It will not generate it correctly. in both files RGB's all set to "0" Just tried to delete them in the latest version and let it rebuild it. It doesn't create them correctly. had to replace them with the saved downloads I posted. If you upgrade with a working editor it is fine, but if you just start from scratch and let it update the new version will not created the txt files correctly.
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UPADTE: Workaround - if you download the original editor and "DO NOT" upgrade when prompted.. (x) close the upgrade window, and select the prefab button, the editor will build the txt files from scratch. and it will have color. Close the editor completely, and restart the editor. Now let the editor upgrade as normal. now everything works. :) If you have a copy that doesn't work, delete everything and reinstall it from the original post and try the above instruction. you should get a working copy.
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;82471]UPADTE: Workaround - if you download the original editor and "DO NOT" upgrade when prompted.. (x) close the upgrade window, and select the prefab button, the editor will build the txt files from scratch. and it will have color. Close the editor completely, and restart the editor. Now let the editor upgrade as normal. now everything works. :) If you have a copy that doesn't work, delete everything and reinstall it from the original post and try the above instruction. you should get a working copy.[/QUOTE] Boom! Wseigel strikes again! Great work mate, fixed in the next version :) Hal
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;81864]Hal, the info problem still exist in the latest version. How to repeat.. 10x10x10 prefab On layer 0 fill half with stone.. so you have half stone half air select info mode. left click on a stone block for info. now move the cursor over an air block. scroll the layer up and down using the mouse wheel, You will see the block you left clicked on now turns to air. move back over a stone block and scroll up and down and it changes back to stone. when ever you left click on a black in info mode and then scroll the layer. that selected block chances to whatever you hover over when you change layers. To workaround you must first exit info mode before scrolling to another layer.[/QUOTE] This is why I love re-creatable steps. 10 minutes to fix instead of 2 hours! Fixed in the next version. Also, when loading a prefab it will automatically search the Navezgane prefab.xml file. If it finds the prefab then the position will get added to the world position textboxes. Cheers, Hal
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Holy ♥♥♥♥! When does the next update come? I have got to have the that map feature. I duplicate and move prefabs all over the map. Probably spend more time tweaking than I actually do playing. - also - Is there somewhere you explain the benefits of creating an account and uploading prefabs. I am interested but not exactly sure what to expect or how to utilize it properly.
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MadMole has said they're hoping for an update this weekend to fix some things so I'm aiming to do a new release just after. If all goes well you'll also have access to some of DNC's and Red Eagles awesome mods that they've kindly allowed me to integrate into my DLL too. The prefab uploading is a new thing. I've been meaning to spend more time on it but after the complete mess of the last release I've been too busy putting out fires :S But a quick overview (or my aims at least lol): * Easy sharing of your work with the community. * Greater exposure as you don't need your prefab on the first page of the modding forum due to the search functions * You can have multiple prefabs in one release (like Wseigel's sewer system that's made of interconnecting prefabs) * Set the default position and zombie spawning XML all in one file so the user doesn't have to mess around with any files. * When you update your prefab you can just upload it again and it will get a higher version number. This lets me build in auto-updates so people that have already downloaded your work will be notified that there's a new one (and have it automatically download and install) As soon as I can find my damn microphone I'm going to make another video for the editor as there's been lots of new features added and go through them all one by one. This time with audio as people say it helps them understand it better. Though I ramble and lose my train of thought a lot so it might not be that helpful ;)
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Great, I will be anxiously awaiting the update. The uploading feature sounds like it is going to be very useful, especially when having numerous prefabs loaded. I will have to create more prefabs myself, that is if I can think of something before someone else puts it up. People in the community are pumping them out pretty quick now. In the future do you think there will be a way to attach or associate entityspawning to a prefab that way if you choose to move it from its original location you wouldn't have to create a new spawn point?
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