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Game Ideas


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I personally think there should be oil in the game so that you could make oil refinery's as well as natural gas this would allow players to refine oil into gasoline kerosene and any other types of fuel and it would allow players to produce electricity on a larger scale in the game as well run Transportation equipment in the game as well I think cars trucks and other vehicles should be implemented into the game with the possibility of reengineering them so that turrets can be attached to them as well I think there should be tanks which would seem overpowered but it would be an endgame vehicle due to the fact that it would take a large portion of resources to build and maintain as well I think there should be buses specifically because they could be redesigned into Mobile bases do to their large size as well as I think there should be planes as well as boats and ocean biomes as well as more waterways in general for them to be sailed Within and a larger selection of weapons and armor customisation as in say you get cloth you can use the cloth to insulate the armor as well paint the armor and add customized symbols that you yourself designed as well there should be a way to produce the necessary parts to create items weather being Vehicles armor or guns and weapons in general there should also be water purifiers as well as tameable rideable Horses and it should be possible for players to tame animals for livestock and or pets as well there should be more animals in general and do it be amazing if there were boss zombies


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There should also be a game moad specifically designed for player Warfare because the way the game is designed so far makes it perfect for such a game mode as well as all the vehicles I mentioned before would make it even more interesting and if there was an ocean biome and there were ships a little wild possibility of either Naval Warfare or Ocean trade routes as well it would be interesting if there were helicopters and a larger amount of melee weapons

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It would be interesting if in the game you could make poisons that damage zombies/players it will also be interesting if you could your ammunitions in Poison as well as melee weapons and a dark going to be an interesting addition as well as a war horn. The war horn could be in simplicity basically just a war or it could be used to call on hordes so say for example say you were going to war with your friend and you don't have the ammunition to fight him you could just Blow Your Horn to call in a horde of course I can see how overpowered this would be so it would be reworking before it was viable. And I haven't been able to play the game in a while so I'm not sure what's been going on but if there are dogs already which I think there are it would be interesting if you could armor your dogs and give them weapons as in a mechanical draw over there actual one kind of like a piece of armor

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Once you could produce gas from corn and fat, I liked that. Now, in vanilla you already get all the gas you ever need just from the barrels that are all over the place. You can still produce gas with oil shale, that you find in the desert. But it's all very easy.


Btw, here's a bunch of punctuation marks:


............................. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?????????????????????????


These guys can do one hell of a job to make a post more friendly to the reading eye, feel free to grab some, don't be shy.

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And I never completed my idea so what I meant is it should be harder to find gasoline because let's just be honest you take a wrench and turn it on the car and that gives you like a thousand containers of gasoline every time that's just not realistic and by gas I meant Natural Gas sorry for the confusion. As well like I said the oil that you get by making oil refineries and pumping it out of the ground could be used to produce other things like kerosene and other stuff. Along with say you use up all the readily available sources of gasoline in the area and you have to travel out incredibly far to go and get more it would be helpful if there were sources of oil so that way you would be able to pump it out and then refine it into gasoline. As well the whole idea of players going to war thing would require large amounts of gasoline to produce large amounts of energy and large amounts of gasoline to move equipment in vehicles and Stuff so all my ideas are chained together if I actually remembered to say all of my ideas would be more helpful.

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If my school's ever actually taught me I would 😅
Ok, sounds like a great opportunity to learn something new. What a glorious adventure, eh. Just make it a habit to read your post out loud after you've written it. Whenever you can make a pause, put a "." in. That might overdo it in the beginning, but it's better than having no marks at all. Text with no marks at all is very annoying to read, the couple you used make a big difference already.


And I never completed my idea so what I meant is it should be harder to find gasoline because let's just be honest you take a wrench and turn it on the car and that gives you like a thousand containers of gasoline every time that's just not realistic and by gas I meant Natural Gas sorry for the confusion.
I understood you. And you don't even have to wrench cars, there are red gas barrels all over the world. At every gas station, for example. There is a crapton in that oil-refinery prefab, must be 20 or so. There are lots of barrels just sitting on porches of these small desert buildings. Particularly in single player, you never have to make gas yourself. A good modder would change the stats of those red barrels so they don't contain any gas anymore.


As well like I said the oil that you get by making oil refineries and pumping it out of the ground could be used to produce other things like kerosene and other stuff. Along with say you use up all the readily available sources of gasoline in the area and you have to travel out incredibly far to go and get more it would be helpful if there were sources of oil so that way you would be able to pump it out and then refine it into gasoline. As well the whole idea of players going to war thing would require large amounts of gasoline to produce large amounts of energy and large amounts of gasoline to move equipment in vehicles and Stuff so all my ideas are chained together if I actually remembered to say all of my ideas would be more helpful.
You already can produce gas, there is no pumping, but you can dig down in the desert and find so called "oil shale" blocks. These can be used to produce more gas.


The old way of making gas from corn and fat was great, but I guess not easy enough for the glorious "new players". It's so much fun to set up a massproduction with 10 campfires, cooking biofuel and grain alcohol.

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It be interesting if you could make rope Bridges and rope ladders hammocks would be a cool decorative item that could fill in as a sleeping bag. As well it be interesting if you could fish in the game and if Spears were implemented as well as Bennett's at the end of guns. Fire weapons for being interesting introduction.


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Having a glacier biome" the addition of natural disasters would make the game more difficult.

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Being able to make flags and door banners and customize them would be an interesting addition. More NPC players altogether would add depth to the game it would also be interesting if you could have NPC players move into the area you live in if it were safe enough for them and that would allow you to make your own Society with the NPCs. The addition of water creatures hostel and or not hostel would be good.

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Like I said before about having insulation you should also be able to build fans and door air conditioners as well as furnaces.

I will also like to see mortars added into the game. As well I would like to see the Ally system and land claiming be heavily upgraded as well as the addition of fractions. This next idea wouldn't so much be functional morso decorative but what could be done is jewelry could be added to the game as in necklaces and rings and other items and they could be wearable that or you can melt them down for their materials as well I'd like to see more clothing added into the game so that there's a larger selection for your character. I'd like to see the addition of mountains and more geographic features in general. Going on with the idea I posted earlier with in this thread about being able to have NPCs move into your base or be interested or is if you could set them to do tasks and if you were able to set your own currency with any your city so that you can trade amongst the NPC's. I'd also like to see the addition of hydroelectric power solar panels and wind turbines and possibly even nuclear power.

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These ideas are certainly interesting ideas for a game. However, other than the war horn, I don't see why it should need to be in this game as opposed to another game. Have you tried playing the minecraft mod tekkit? It has a lot of the things that you have mentioned, like oceans, NPCs that can live with you, oil refining, poison weapons, cannons, furnaces, jewelry, banners, water creatures, and much more.


I also suggest you try to organize your ideas better. One easy way to do that is to use bullet points(a list that has dots). For example, you could say


I want these things added to the game:

  • Oceans
  • oil refining
  • poision weapons
  • war gamemode
  • more clothing
  • war horn (to attract hordes)
  • mortars



If there was more you wanted to explain about each of those topics you could do that after, but its easier for people to read things if they have a general idea of the things you will talk about first.


Go ahead and ask if you don't know how to use bullet-points, which is another word for those dots you see in the list.

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