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How cool would it be....?


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Yeah yeah it's never going to happen, it's probably not even possible but what if , WHAT IF

7 Days to Die had a mod platform like Nexus with Fallout 4 for PS4?

that's a wet dream.

Hell if we could just fly on creative mod like pc can that would be lovely. oh well just wanted to talk about my crazy thoughts :):rapture:

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With Sony's mod policy you won't get anything that is not in the game, so basically nothing. And if you did it would create a severe restriction on MP, or it could serve as a way to keep random griefers from joining your game since their mods don't match.


If somebody could make a mod that would prevent MD5 deletions, that would probably change the whole game for console players.

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jesus... i was thinking about that..

My thoughts along that same train of thought are that since the console devs are heavily relying on the community to post bug reports it would make sense for everybody to have access to modifications. EVENTUALLY one of these smarter-than-I people would find the root cause, mod the technical parts, the devs would get hold of it and permanently patch the core issue. It makes so much more sense than everyone scrambling about posting bug reports that are not detailed enough which in turn makes bugs near impossible to replicate on their end. But alas this is just a pipe dream and will never occur. It would just be cool if we the people could peek behind the veil and see what's going on behind the coding and possibly figure it out on our own.


also flying is cool

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@skullpoker, the MD5 issue is largely due to Microshaft's file system. Correcting that would require work on the client engine itself. I do have high hopes that this will be 98% resolved in the next update due to the engine changes.


As for the mods, it would have to be limited to the equivalent of XML edits on the PC version. You very likely would not have the ability to edit any assets.

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i myself have experienced only a few game crashes but have yet to experience a map wipe. So i can't really speak on the MD5 especially since i am on playstation. I would like to see it mostly fleshed out in the update so our community can move to new topics outside of "when is the update?" and "when will MD5 get fixed?" My best wishes to those who experience the base wipes and hope that it gets resolved for you so we can all enjoy the game in it's entirety without further issue.


I have a very limited understanding of how different this game is to other games and what is actually within the realm of reality but at the end of the day i enjoy the hell out of this game and it's completely insane how many hours i put into it so i look forward to whatever may come in the future.

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I played the heck out of this game with my buddy on XBOX splitscreen last year and it took a couple of months before we started having MD5 deletions. After a couple weeks of that we gave up. I bought the PS4 version for him a couple months later on his birthday but we didn't really MP that because I bought it for PC and he was playing online a lot. AFAIK he may have had one MD5 on the PS4 but not constant game-breaking horror like the XBOX. I hope console players get a ton of the new stuff and systems because then I could play with him without feeling like I'm giving up half of the game by couch co-oping with him.

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