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Zombie spawning


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I've been thinking to make a mega base (like 50x40 e.g.) with a friend in A17.

However, i've read some posts in the past that worries me a bit.

How does the zombie spawning works exactly? Cause I don't want them to spawn in my huge base while i'm buiding inside.


Same question about the screamer. I don't want her to call in zombie hordes from the inside.

I hope someone can clarify my concerns.

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If you're going to build big, expect for them to spawn inside your zone. It may be less likely in a17 than it is in a16, but they can only push the zed spawn out so far away from the player.


Do you know the exact blocks?

I've read somewhere that it depends on your bedroll. Is that true?

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Imagine that i'm running 4 forges at the same time in my 50x40 base surrounded with walls.

Is it possible that a screamer from the outside calls in a horde that spawns in my base? Cause that is my real concern. Don't wanna deal with some hordes right in to my base.

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So in general: a large base above ground with serveral forges running without spawning hordes inside your base is not possible?

Generally no. The game isn't designed so you can have a massive safe base. On top of that, the hardware limitations of running a fully destructible world with SI and true 3D will prevent it. They could probably code it so Z's will spawn out a lot farther, but you would need a super CPU, and lots of RAM to handle it all. Then most of the player base can't play the game.


You can prevent most of the biome spawns by making all the ground fertilized farmland. It's not going to stop POI sleepers, screamers, or hordes though.


And in a17, things may change some due to optimization. There is still a hard limit on how far out they can make things spawn though.

I could throw a bunch of math at you explaining the specifics of it, but you should get the idea.

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