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Kostriktor's suggestion-list


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Hi !

Great game i found on the sales ! worth every cent ! ready for paid-dlc !! :smile-new:

i found out you guys point towards a good immersive experience and wont ruin this survival game because of boring pvp-needed tweaks; glad to hear that, too many survival games got ruined by the pvp-community, lets not happen that to this one. if you want to pvp and youre man enough for it, then you dont go ruin other players playtime, since survival games require plenty of your time. if you got balls for pvp, then you play pvp-meant games and show that skill of yours. beeing a sneaky bastard, griefing other ppl is not pvp, its terrorism.

that said, lets move on to these suggestions of mine.

Keeping this list updated while i explore your awesome map.


- almost 100 hours in, still dont have a workbench... rngesus please give me a wrench!

- bird nests are kinda unnatural right now, could we find them after chopping a tree?

- want to recheck the food-amount numbers on the consumables? a small bird egg gives me almost the nutrition of some can-food...

- as a single/coop-player, i can only imagine how unfair a blueprint/schematic-based crafting system has to be in a pvp-environment.

- compound crossbow !

- backpacks, of all sizes, if you keep it without weight, then add speed-debuffs to those rucksacks. equip on rucksack-slot

- add numbers to the hotbar

- turn compass into item you have to find and equip on compass-slot for it to show up in hud

- add thermometer to equip in thermometer-slot and shows external temp in hud

- add watch to equip on wrist-slot or watch-slot, to display time in hud

- add male character animations

- fireaxe is probably "meant" as tool, but it feelsbad when you deal more damage with a stick. same for pick, shovel and hoe. these tools helped many countries to free themselves from oppression, they can for sure open zombie-skulls as well.

- first person driving with mouse-steering

- use sprint-button to drive faster with vehicles, not asking for more speed, asking for slower W for precise city cruising or parking. would be a shame crushing into Navezgane pedestrians.

- a way to see learned schematics

- a way to see required materials for repair

- let me collect all these newspapers for paper resource

- need animal hide armor made for cold.

- we are in dishong tower; very amazed! -> need parachute

- we are digging our huge mining system under the desert city. can we have better color-distinction between metals and sand-earth-likes?

- vanity slots in cloth-interface for custom appearance

- beeing a farmer atm, need a mowing machine

- plants grow 100 times too fast, this broke my immersion a little bit. let plants grow slow, but yield more harvest than wild plants

- collect rain water via roof

- have lakes under the ground

- have waterpumps and water supply wells

- let me fast-hotbar items with ctrl-number or shift-number. its sickening pulling things from the inventory to the hotbar all of the time.

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  • almost 100 hours in, still dont have a workbench...
    • You must be applying your skill points incorrectly.


    [*]bird nests are kinda unnatural right now, could we find them after chopping a tree?

    • Seems harder to implement than the current method. Given the early game reliance on feathers, I believe the current method is fine.


    [*]want to recheck the food-amount numbers on the consumables? a small bird egg gives me almost the nutrition of some can-food...

    • Hasn't been balanced yet. That may change in a17 though.


    [*]as a singleplayer, i can only imagine how unfair a blueprint/schematic-based crafting system has to be in a pvp-environment.

    • This isn't a PvP game.


    [*]compound crossbow !

    • Easy to mod. I have a couple of versions. No need to spend dev time on it.


    [*]backpacks, of all sizes, if you keep it without weight, then add speed-debuffs to those rucksacks. equip on rucksack-slot

    • Planned features. We shall see what a17 brings with the complete rework of the buff system.


    [*]add numbers to the hotbar

    • Had em. Took them away. It's better without, but you can mod it back in if you like.


    [*]turn compass into item you have to find and equip on compass-slot for it to show up in hud

    • I agree on this. I also like playing with most of the HUD not there too though...


    [*]add thermometer to equip in thermometer-slot and shows external temp in hud

    • Just add it to the compass. As it is, you can see it on the map or mod it in.


    [*]add watch to equip on wrist-slot or watch-slot, to display time in hud

    • Absolutely. And it shouldn't be displayed anywhere else.


    [*]add male character animations

    • Wait for a17 or 18. I know there is already work being done on this.

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  • 8 months later...

i wish you could focus on the cheaters problem. almost any server has problems with cheaters. even the pve-server have problems with cheaters hack-pvping player-bases with the dev-mp5 and such things.

would be great if you could address these issues because right now, singleplayer seems the only way, and the game is obviously great for co-op...

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