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longest amount of days with no bike schematic


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hey all.

you know how theres always one item/schemtaic you can never find

my current RWG is on day 17 (long days) i have everything learned except the minibike. i have scouted everywhere unlock everything i even have a full auger and chainsaw and 3 nail guns.


im just interested to find out how many of us have waitied soo lllooooonggg for the bike. its kinder a good thing as my athletics skill is up in the 70s

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I think my very 1st playthrough i went into day 30 or 32. I also had no clue how to build the minibike so im not sure when i actually found the schematic.


One day it just came to me, "gee, there is a bike i can build in this game and i have looted everything around me."


My loot trips were getting further & further out. I had to look up a youtube video on how to build the bike.


Now it seems i usually find the book around day 7 or a lil later

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Found it in my day 21 air drop this seed (drops set to once a week, loot 200% with no respawn) and I think that is the longest it has taken me. Thankfully I spawned between the hub city and another town both within walking distance so I wasn’t too worried about it.

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