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Daily Quests Please!


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I would probably skip these missions most of the time, because sometimes i plan construction of new base. And days before that goes collecting & making stuff ready for faster build. Or just preparing for hordes.

All ready on my own games schedule is quite tight, there is no boring moment. Gathering during day, massive rush during night time to craft & build. And get ready for next gathering day.


Different type missions would be welcome change, but forcing players to daily make might not be so fun aspect.

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Yeah, not something you have to do, but a change of pace. Also, I don't have hours to play on one game to build and see how the zombies react. I need something that you can do in a short time frame. Goals and team missions, etc. Just building and defending is only great for the first few times you do it, then it's more like a chat channel.

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The traders will usually have 2-3 quests to choose from to do. When you visit a trader you will have a choice of dialogues. You can choose to buy and sell, get information about the world, or take a job. So I can't promise daily quests but once you've found a few traders you should have plenty of jobs to take.


And if quests aren't your type of fun it is simple to just not open that dialogue choice.

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