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The Pacifist!


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[A Role Play: This new, horrible, unimaginable world has been thrust upon you without warning. You have lost those most dear to you. Your precious, priceless family members have become these 'things'. Your life long friends who you've shared countless fun times with have now been transformed into abominations. It is now left to you to survive. With the help of a few leftover treasure maps from dear departed friends and loved ones, you manage to scrape together some much needed supplies to aid in survival.


You know you need to survive among these heartless, cruel, mindless, soulless shells, only a shadow of their former selves. But somehow, you just cannot bring yourself to raise your hand against them, feeling a mixture of horror, shame, disgust, pity and complete despair. So you make the unthinkable decision: You run! You hide. You gather the supplies you need. You build shelters, defenses, even traps to ensure your own survival. But in the end, you vow never to raise a hand against these poor, pitiful, cursed souls of ones once loved. Will you succeed?]:jaded::upset:




I thought about playing a game based on this scenario before but could never resist the urge to NOT use my Bow! I think I'm gonna give it a try this weekend. Anyone already try an approach like this yet? Anyone willing to give it a try? Too challenging? Too boring? Not fun? Your thoughts....

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I'm just curious as to whether or not you did it and how it was.




Yea, I went ahead and gave it a try. I actually enjoy starting over with a new game and new map to see how fast I can get on my feet. And this style of play appeals to me because I enjoy building and gathering resources more than any other aspect of the game.


I created a new game called "Run and Hide". The map has a lot of water and a lot of plains land, so I have plenty of corn even without planting so far. I'm on day 6 at the moment and so far have managed not to touch a single zed. I only kill deer and pigs for food, fat.


So far so good. I still haven't gotten a minibike yet so I'm running everywhere. If I need to clear out an area, I attract as many zeds as possible and lead them away from an area I'm interested in exploring. Still working on a base. I'll probably end up creating a base with trenches on all sides with traps below. Keep you posted on the progress.


...Almost forgot, dogs are fair game!

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  • 4 months later...

I started a game like this last night, it went pretty well. Insane difficulty, 25% loot with no respawns, I even decided to refrain from killing any animals to make things a bit more difficult. Day 3 and I have a forge, iron hoe, and a little garden with potatoes corn and blue berries planted, and 100 or so baked potatoes for emergencies, red tea for days.


It's still pretty easy, but it does add more prep time to everything you do. The zombies feel less rinse and repeat when you can't just dismiss them with a swipe of your weapon. I did allow myself to punch sleeping zombies once because otherwise they never wake up.


At this point it's just a game of seeing if I can avoid slipping up and dying, otherwise I can survive indefinitely. Blood moon will simply involve climbing onto a large building and standing in the middle. Challenge was fun, but not as difficult as I expected. The only thing I didn't do was enable running during daylight, but I feel like that would make it impossible.

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Yeah but the question is does he know he told his story to console players and not PC players :)


Lol, yeah i caught that too but figure the "scenario" could be carried out on each platform. Maybe a lil easier on the pc with you guys having blade traps, turrets, & such.

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Yeah my bad, I did a search to see if other people had tried the challenge and saw this thread in general discussion, didnt realize there were two general discussion sections.


Lol it's all good. Some of it well can't obviously do as of now on console but can still do some of it. Luckily some of us have it on PC as well so at least I out of the few might try it out. Might see how things go when A17 hits first to see how things play out with the changes to see what settings I would feel need more challenging and such but anyway good stuff.

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