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Making guns out of Tungsten rather than iron


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Why? Tungsten isn't used in the manufacture of guns, it's too heavy, the only thing it's used for is armor piercing bullets, usually for heavy armor like tanks. May be tungsten bullets that have penetrating power and can hit multiple zombies at once if they are behind each other? That makes way more sense.
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Anyway, tungsten is not going to work well for guns because while its incredibly hard, it is also very brittle. And if we were to somehow managed to remove the impurities and make it very pure, it would exceed the hardness of steel but also become malleable so its not a good fit for forging guns. However, tungsten would probably be used more for the future once they introduce electricity into the game. I can already foresee that tungsten will be a component in crafting light bulbs and electrical components.
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[QUOTE=Agarthan;139966]Agreed, I think there should be lots of other minerals to be mined. I want a steel sword I can chop them up with.[/QUOTE] Steel isn't mined, it's made. And the game already contains the ingredients to make steel: Iron Ore and Coal. Those could be combined in a new Object, one similar to but different from the Forge, and achieving the ability to make Steel, no longer having to make do with Iron tools and weapons (I [I]so[/I] want a Steel Pick Axe!) could then be an important progress stage in the game play experience.
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[QUOTE=Euzio;139974]Give me Tamahagane steel imo..... then I can forge and craft myself a Katana.... xD[/QUOTE]Tamahagene steal is very crude and not very durable, modern katanas are made using Damascus steal made from high to mid carbon steals. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE==Tattoo=;140038][code] [/code] Looks like they have more than just steel planned for us... ;)[/QUOTE] Well then, that gives the old brain of mine a lot of ideas :).
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