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Split-screen glitch (xbox 1)


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So me and my fiance have been playing for awhile now and every so often the game will freeze up and shut off. Now however, almost all progress has been somehow lost. Our base has lost all its upgrades and even our food stock has vanished. This is more then a little frustrating. Our forge, workbench and cement mixer has been replaced with a couch. Could someone please explain what to do.

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So me and my fiance have been playing for awhile now and every so often the game will freeze up and shut off. Now however, almost all progress has been somehow lost. Our base has lost all its upgrades and even our food stock has vanished. This is more then a little frustrating. Our forge, workbench and cement mixer has been replaced with a couch. Could someone please explain what to do.


Sounds like you got hit by an MD5 bug, or terrain rewriting bug. Sadley, you won't be able to get back what you've lost but there are things you can do to reduce the risk of this happening again. If you are on PS4, you can back your game up to a memory stick. If you are on Xbox (which I suspect you are as this bug is more of an issue on those consoles), there is a player found workaround. The thread regarding what this is and the workaround are found here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?50175-Known-Issue-Terrain-Rewriting-(MD5-Issue)


You can also post a bug report, detailing what you were doing before it happened, where in the map you were and what has changed - if you happen to have video or screenshots, it all helps to track down the various triggers. You can post a bug report for this and any other bug you come across here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?83-Console-Bug-Reports


Be sure to use the bug report format provided, the more information the better. The format is found in this thread (and you can copy/past it into your bug report). https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?47268-IMPORTANT-Please-read-BEFORE-posting

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