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I remember there being a door to my base right about here?


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I have a rectangular shaped base with 2 vault doors at either end. Occasionally i return to my base and one of the doors is gone. I have a 1 wide ring of spikes surrounding my base and the door is raised up 1 block to allow me to jump over the 1 spike wide ring and inside my base.

My theory is that this allows me to avoid damage but any zombies who come violently knocking on my door are going to die to the reinforced spikes, however my doors keep disappearing and the spikes have recieved about 200 damage.

Is this a bug, glitch, or is there some floating zombie with an auger and a grudge?

Please help me :D

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One time it was during a horde night while i was a couple of blocks away in my spike horde bunker.

It has happened other times after Minibiking through the countryside chasing Zombie Strippers and Deer.

My base is built in a vacant space of land in the relative centre of a Randomgen City.

As far as i am aware i am playing a single player game. Unless the Funpimps are hacking my game and secretly removing my doors. I think this last option is the most likely.

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Zombies can beat on blocks from outside 1 block range. Since the spikes have taken damage, it does seem like something was outside trying to get in :p Maybe from standing on the spike, maybe from off the spike but within range of the door.


Or, floating zombie worker with an auger could be it too (actually, some zombies have fists which do far more damage than an auger though ;)


/V -

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