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Zombies run right over spikes and barbwire?


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I just had my day 14 horde and as it started the zombies just ran right over a layer of barbwire and 2 layers of spikes. I eventually died since I couldn't keep up and wasn't expecting this to happen. Is this some sort of bug? It didn't happen on my day 7 horde and my defenses we're pretty much the same.

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They do run over spikes until about the 4th in a row when they lose their legs. I haven't used barbed wire yet but when they encounter the barbwire fence they jump until they break it, was just about to start experimenting with barbed wire running from posts as an extended perimeter in my current game.


Now the expensive spikes that use 100 wood they do not run over, they try to run through those the same way they do the barbwire fence, where they jump until the object breaks or the zombie dies.

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i have never had them just run over the spikes,BUT i have seen thep use dead zeds to cross over the spikes. i have also seen zeds actively take ouy spikes to clear the way for the rest. crawlers are especially good at. taking out 3 to 6 sets of spikes before dying.


i just don't use spikes anymore because they are more likely to kill my wife than any zombie. her momma had reason for not naming her Grace

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I use barbed wire fences - they tend to get stuck on them and it makes it easier to pick them off. Barbed wire panels should also catch them. Log spikes will injure them but won't slow them down.


Only time I have an issue is if a pile of dead bodies grow - the zombies walk over them so can get across the barbed wire this way.

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i have never had them just run over the spikes,BUT i have seen thep use dead zeds to cross over the spikes. i have also seen zeds actively take ouy spikes to clear the way for the rest. crawlers are especially good at. taking out 3 to 6 sets of spikes before dying.


i just don't use spikes anymore because they are more likely to kill my wife than any zombie. her momma had reason for not naming her Grace


In that case i recommend mines ;)

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I was gonna post some old clips of land mines in action. But I cleaned out my videos on XBOX1 a while back. Land mines are awesome. But you want a bunch crafted. Takes a lot of ingredients. Even the explosive arrows are a blast literally.




Explosive arrow in action.




Killed a deer with explosive arrow.

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