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Stationary heavy weapons


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  • 5 months later...
How hard would it be to add player-placeable, tripod-mounted heavy .50 cal machine guns? Would be nice to use with barbed wire and sandbag fortifications. They could have limited field of fire like turrets, and do a lot of damage.


Ballistas, Mounted long ranged flamethrowers, or maybe for fun something involving explosives. Like imagine a tank with just the cannon and cabin thats stationary. Would love all of these, hell even a heavy sling would be neat but not sure if it would fit with 7 days.

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Another example, would be a bit less silly but I couldn't see it in 7 days unless there was a decent increase to zombie horde sizes and where more consistent throughout the night. Or more vehicles, especially ones a bit armored. serveimage.jpg.6e3bf4f660ae5355fed69a98dfd7d882.jpg. And even then still lol. Just want to see more explosive weapons, but a man can dream.

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Indirect fire weapons, please! Something that could launch the pipe bombs or more effective explosives would be fun. Different warheads like shrapnel, high explosive, napalm, etc. Mortar tubes aren't super high tech (aiming systems are another story) but crude tubes are pretty reasonable in the zompocalypse.


I've also wanted static emplacements for the longest time too. To whet my appetite, I sometimes manually use the turrets in-game but it's not as fun nor gratifying as a SMG-based light machinegun or AK-based medium machinegun fed by a belt. That would be cool and realistic for people who prefer setting up a permanent, defensible base.

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