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Wish list


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I have been thinking about the next update for console release date being uncertain and got to thinking about some things i would like to see implemented in future upsates. so here is a list of things i would like to see. and i thought it would be interesting to see what ideas other players have.



1) the ability to change the name of a game or make it so the name of the game are seperate. i play solo and co-op and would love to be able to use the same seed on multiple games without confusing the different saves.


2) a couple more save slots would be nice.


3) the ability to skip the tutorial when startin a new game or joining a co-op game. i really don't like having to complete theye tutorial every time i start a new game.


4) a tool like a scythe or sickle so we can cut gress down without filling our inventory with dirt fragments because we can't hit the grass.


5) it would nice to be able to craft cloth clothing and to be able to choose a color to craft.


thats all i can think of for now. let's see what ideas every one else have.

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Opening the map on the bike, increasing the number of crafting slots, only scrapping 4 things is a pain most times...


I would love to be able to open the map on the bike, I have having to jump off for 5 seconds to check the map!


Another game I used to play also had a"transparent" map you could toggle off and on to aid in navigation.

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before i posted, i spent over an hour looking for any thread that was some form of a wish list. it was only finding nothing in this search that i started this topic. but since there is already a thrad like this, i do apologize for the redundancy.


@ZombieHog. to be honest, i completely forgot that was possible. thank you.


it would be great to be able doors and gates as well as activate draw bridges from the mini bike as well. but i think thai being to do things like thatkind of breaks immersion sinci you can not perform thise actions from a bkie in real life. good ideas, though.


another thing i would like to see is some kind of binoculars or scope seperate from the sniper rifle, or even the addition of a scope as a seperate attachment for all weapons like the flashlight. maybe even make the flashlight slot an either/or slot so the player could choose if they would prefer a scope or light on a particular weapon and to be able to use the scope seperatjy like the flashlight. would also like a bit mor zoom when looking through the scope.

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I'd prefer a whole separate perk for more stable rifle shots. The difference between the stability of the rifles from PC to console is night and day... Even the crossbow is a little wonky... I find myself moving the character, rather than the sight most times... Make it a one off perk for a specific weapon, sniper, SMG, crossbow, etc... The workbench and chemstation perk are just dumb, since you can wrench them down and reassemble without buying the perk...

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I'd prefer a whole separate perk for more stable rifle shots. The difference between the stability of the rifles from PC to console is night and day... Even the crossbow is a little wonky... I find myself moving the character, rather than the sight most times... Make it a one off perk for a specific weapon, sniper, SMG, crossbow, etc... The workbench and chemstation perk are just dumb, since you can wrench them down and reassemble without buying the perk...


Wrenching stations was only in alpha 15. Next console update will probably do away with that. Enjoy it while it lasts lol...


I would prefer a stability perk for the guns. Mainly the AK/SMG obviously but we’ll not see that

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I see bandit stuff for sale @ the traders so I'm sure that's not far down the road... Not sure I want humans on my single player map messing with me... Bad enough the trader swears at you, not sure I want someone swearing and chasing me, probably shooting back at me as well

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Lol member when the smg and ak sounds were broken. You'd shoot for 2 seconds and the sound would never stop for anyone else.


still happens, and not just with the automatics. happened with the shotgun and mini bike.



another one i would like is different wood types have different colors.

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