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Add an XP and Skill System


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I think this something on the road map and it's been brought up before, but I'm bringing it up again, because I think this is the #1 thing this game needs right now. This game needs an xp and skill system. I like to build but I've kind of done building to death across many games so I don't always want to build an elaborate base. I don't enjoy grief-based PvP (prefer more competitive stuff like LoL or online FPS). I like to explore but with the fixed map we know where everything and with random gen, the worlds look amazing and have infinite exporation potential, but if you DO want to build a base things are so spread out that it makes exploration multi-day field trips or not exactly reasonable. What I really want out of a game like this is the whole survival element, and this game does it so well to a point, but it's just too easy to get self sustaining and safe, and one reason for this is because all of our characters are gods - they know everything and are excellent at everything. You need to find a few books to unlock a few things but in our gody state simply instantly reading a book grants expert knowlegde and ability with whatever is consumed. IMO the game would be better if our characters were closer to joe average, with maybe a little bit of initial skill in something (maybe player selected, or random, or a config option to select how initial knowledge is set is more the 7DTD way and more my pref) and had to gain xp and skill over time, or gain skill over time. In some systems you gain xp and raise skills you wanna raise. In some systems skills grow thru usage. Or sometimes this is combined (like in project zomboid the system is a hybrid that's pretty good). I could care less HOW it happens, but if we had character skills and progression it would help the game in a couple of ways. For one, it would give us long term goals and something to do other than quickly get metals rolling, getting the best gear, getting farming and infinite water rolling, and basically being done with the game in a few days. It would also make the early game even more tricky (something the pimps have been pushing with updates and changes anyways) because we wouldn't all be super human scavengers, soldiers, cave men (I'm a club wielding machine), medieveal archers (how many people on the planet right now could make a crossbow (powerful enough to one-shot a zombie) from scratch AND shoot it with 100% accuracy!!!) For us, the PvE game is severly lacking in goals because initial survival is easy even with all the changes they've made to make it less stupidly easy. And early game is the only really challenging part at all. Once you're established and survive that first day, it's pretty easy to get established or explore - whichever you prefer. Adding skills and character progression would make the game unfold a bit smoother (you'd need to develop crafting skills rather than just obtain resources and build a skyscraper, for ex). The pimps have been trying to do this by dinking with resources, loot tables, adding books, etc, but a skill system would do this better than any of this stuff because if your character simply can't DO something without gaining the ability to do it first, it slows you down. Right now all of our characters are McGyver - these super crafter/engineer/soldiers who know everything and do everything at an expert level. Godly even. Usually you need cheat codes to be in god mode in games - and usually doing that in games makes games boring quick, and as good as this game is, that's kind of how it feels to me - there's little to work for, or work on, and it all comes too easy. I don't want this game to just be a prettier minecraft, I want it to be a zombie survival experience that extends beyond just surviving a few days and getting bored. Survival also involves learning and growing from experiences, and in game terms that means skills and xp or something like it.
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He said that he knows it's on the road map but he's just wanting to make sure TFP knows that it's the main feature he's interested in. Nothing wrong in stating you think one stretch goal should be a higher priority than others. Yeah I could really go for this to be a higher priority than tweaks to animations, vehicles, or gore blocks. Seems like a pretty core mechanic to me that's all but lacking with the only sense of personal growth being books that are totally random. I'm all for more content but even a bare-bones leveling/skill system would be better than nothing and they can always improve on it as they go. IMO Leveling, skills, Increased POI variety, and character customization are the highest of the stack as far as things I want in the game.
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I am also looking forward to a skill system. I think what may work is being able to read a book and know the recipe. According to your skills, the durability of the item may be affected, your attack may not provide 100% dmg, a firearm may be less steady, more resources may need to be used to repair then normal. Oh Gawd! I am so addicted to this game and it's still in alpha. TFP!!! What have you done to me!!!. Character customization is also something I look forward to. Think about how the terrain was I think pre alpha 7? Just imagine what TFP will do with the character models in future patches. AHHHH!!! I want it now!!!
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I think a "tinkers skill" set could be added which would allow for more gadgets to be made from junk, part of the forge could be used to make a vise, the vise allows other objects to be held or crushed or pressed items toegther, finding a file to sharpen the axe in the vise. hold a metal bar and using the file to make a screwdriver to adjust the gun sights or swap gun sights or open a panel, making more of the tooling rather than finding it. Adding the flashlignt to the guns. Various parts and pieces could be found an put into a mold or by crafting your own and than have found recipes' from an old do it yourself mechanic's volumes showing how to make a peculiar thing, or having to collect pages. The recipe's could be for improved forges allows them to be hotter with less wood-jet stove forge or multiply dies so the forge can make doubles etc... The recipes could be torn pages from a do it your mechanic's volumes which would be your new knowledge book
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