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Reviving an old graphics issue


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I wasn't going to post this as I knew it had been posted before, but Damsel's comment made me rethink my plan.


I am on day 24-xbox-in the builders challenge. I have been renovating a Forge House and clearing the ground nearby, (the part with the issue was cleared from 0 to 4 blocks deep about 18 wide and 40 long.


Anyway, I dug this area to smooth one block below the level of the ground at the house. I left it like that while I was doing some construction. (A farm needs a barn you know) I then took a trip to collect a care package and see the trader. When I returned (no crashes/etc during this time though I had logged off for my regular reset) I walked in to see the entire area refilled, but not with the original terrain but with a gradual grassy slope from one side to the other so I knew it was not a terrain rewrite. As soon as I stepped onto it I sunk through and the terrain vanished after I was fully submerged in it.


This repeated itself any time I left the area far enough for that section to be dropped and have to reload upon my return. I made several trips just to confirm this. It was a bit annoying, but I put it on disregard thinking it would go away eventually. Well, I finally got the base of the barn in which meant I could put the finished ground into the area between the barn and the house. I was placing sod, and quickly discovered that there was an entire section that, though appearing flat, definitely was not as the sod looked like the Atlantic Ocean during hurricane Sandy.


I plodded forward as the distortions were all less than 1/2 block high, and once I wood frame leveled the area, it looked good. I have made two trips since with no repeat of the graphics bug so I am betting it's an issue with the blocks.


On a side note, I am testing a theory about yucca plants. It seems z's don't attack them, so I am placing a row all the way around my property to see what happens. Will let you know.

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Hi Sandman,


I had heard of this waaaaaaay at the beginning, but not since. I also heard of it on PC too. Thank you for reporting it, I think it slightly uncommon which is why we have probably not heard of it much.


Something that just came to mind though, when you return, were the blocks that were "ghosting" where you had dug down, did they look detailed, or were they like distant terrain textures?


It sound like your stormy terrain experience could very well be down to this glitch. Could you give me the coordinates of where on the map this happened for you? Might be able to trigger and grab a video for the team.



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The terrain was just like distant prairie terrain, no details, no objects, just grassy. The funny thing was,, it didn't follow the original terrain either, it was just a continuous slope from the second floor of the barn down to the patio. I'll get the exact coordinates tonight. That being said, it looks like leveling and covering the terrain with sod has taken care of it.


Just one thing though. Your comment about it being waaaay at the beginning is starting to make me feel old. lol!

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Haha sorry! Well you'd be happy to know if it looked like distant terrain it's actually possibly similar to an issue waaaaaaaay in the recent :p


There was an issue with building in an area before by a player and it was spotted by the team that where they were trying to build, the distant terrain graphics were not switching to actual terrain. it could be something to do with the generation of the area itself, or something else triggering it. It doesn't sound 100% the same but we will at least have a starting point for investigating :D


Glad you were able to sort it for your build though in the mean time while I look into it :)

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The graphics problem seems to have resolved as it has not recurred since I placed the layer of sod down. Just so you know, the coordinates are 108 S:1512 W. The exact area is 6 blocks west of west edge of Forge House, and continues @15-20 blocks west. It runs from 12 blocks north of house to 4-6 blocks south of house.

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Well, I thought it was cleared up, but guess not. Remembered to get a video this time. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AiUoP5adU1fogQAC9F_VPsTcTfnd


That's like what I was seeing when it happened on an old base of mine. In my case, it was the grassy ground and it appeared in the trench (about 10 deep and 10 wide (sloping down). It didn't happen straight away, it started happening after I'd filled in the walls of the pit with cobblestone. I would go off (either on foot or by minibike) on a looting run and when I came back, I thought the trench had refilled - I could see the grassy ground at the level of the cobblestone. As soon as I touched it, or if I waited a few seconds, the grassy ground vanished, leaving my trench as it should be. I figured it was just the chunks loading in after I'd been away from it.

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Thank you for the video Sandman! I'm sorry it's still happening, but at the same time glad you could grab footage of it! I haven't had a chance to clear a large area out with, but knowing what I'm looking for helps!


Thank you for your info too Damselx1 :)

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