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I find this really odd. I usually only have 1 forge running in my house at ground level constantly. The other forges are at bedrock, also constantly running. But there is never a shortage of action.


This morning for instance... I walk out the front door, to be greeted head on by a single screamer. She screams, and before I can react, I was set up for farming, I had 3 ferals, 3 cops, 2 dogs, and random stragglers on my ass. I was eaten by the ferals, as they glitched through the door as I attempted a retreat. So, spawn on my bed, and ice the 2 that made it in the house. My buddy made it outside, and I was pinned down, every attempt to open the door was met with futility. Finially get outside, and attempt to help clear the chaos, and a cop runs up to me and does his best Jesus pose. Poof, death #2. Wtf!


The fact that you haven't gotten any with what you already had going is most perplexing.


Hoping to finish up my loot generator next sesh, 8 forges under a concrete pit.... Should be interesting.

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I find this really odd. I usually only have 1 forge running in my house at ground level constantly. The other forges are at bedrock, also constantly running. But there is never a shortage of action.


This morning for instance... I walk out the front door, to be greeted head on by a single screamer. She screams, and before I can react, I was set up for farming, I had 3 ferals, 3 cops, 2 dogs, and random stragglers on my ass. I was eaten by the ferals, as they glitched through the door as I attempted a retreat. So, spawn on my bed, and ice the 2 that made it in the house. My buddy made it outside, and I was pinned down, every attempt to open the door was met with futility. Finially get outside, and attempt to help clear the chaos, and a cop runs up to me and does his best Jesus pose. Poof, death #2. Wtf!


The fact that you haven't gotten any with what you already had going is most perplexing.


Hoping to finish up my loot generator next sesh, 8 forges under a concrete pit.... Should be interesting.


That might be because you're playing in multiplayer? I think when you're playing with a friend your game stages combine which results in more zombie encounters. It's a little different for those of us who are playing in single player, or at least that's how it seems.


I'm just hoping those heat maps and game stages get some fine tuning in the next update whenever that may be. It feels kinda broken to me compared to previous versions!

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I bet! I haven't played single player in good knows how long. But never really seemed to have an issue calling in the action. Accidentally leaving a fire pit going and working outside I have gotten close to overwhelmed.


On horde nights I usually fire up everything I got and try to add to the list of excitement. Call in as many as I can get. Might have to do a bit more experimenting now.

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I bet! I haven't played single player in good knows how long. But never really seemed to have an issue calling in the action. Accidentally leaving a fire pit going and working outside I have gotten close to overwhelmed.


On horde nights I usually fire up everything I got and try to add to the list of excitement. Call in as many as I can get. Might have to do a bit more experimenting now.


Maybe you could start a new game in single player then and see how it differs from your mulitplayer ones. For me personally, seeing screamers and wandering hordes feels more like a luxury than anything else, honestly. I can't remember the last time I reached a point to where I felt overwhelmed by enemy encounters. Sounds fun, though! Especially if you have a good base up and running.


I have plenty of torches... I just made another level to my horde night building and placed 12 campfires in it to see if it'll add any fun to my horde night


The last 7th day horde I had (day 49) was pretty impressive. I had 4 ferals, 4 cops, about 10-15 dogs and spider zombies, as well as dozens upon dozens of the regular zombies. It was one of the most enjoyable horde night's I've had in quite a while! I had 4 of my forges running at the time but I don't know if that contributed to it in any way. I'd say go for it and give it a shot!


I'm on day 54 now and the "action" as IBKillingFools puts it has died down again. I have all my forges running constantly and the arrival of screamers are back to being few and far in between again. But, it is what it is. I would report it as a bug but I feel this is the way it's intended to be, and I recall Gaz saying the game stages are only "partially" on consoles at the moment, so here's hoping IronGalaxy give us ALL the game stage elements/improvements next patch.

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From what a friend told me hordes "cycle", as well as the subsequent roaming hordes... After the hardest blood moon, it goes back to the first as well as the following roaming horde... It used to be on the 5th day, it was a dog horde day.... Idk if this is all correct, could be right, could be all wrong... Unless the devs tell us, we'll never know

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The difficulty increase is probably the biggest thing. Play on insane. I get so sick and tired of dealing with those bitches. They always come in twos. Kill one and immediately look in the direction the previous one came from. If im busy and dont feel like dealing with it, just let my base handle her for me. But always gotta wait for the 2nd screamer to die before moving out. She comes to my base every 10mins, gets super annoying while building. And kinda freaks me out cause im always waiting to hear that creepy loud ass scream. Upon scream, run to higher ground til shes dead or B drink a beer and just hope she doesn't spawn some ferals. Cops and everything else ehh but acouple ferals on you at ground level outside your base is a different story. Too many screamers!

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