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Beverage cooler not available on console?


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Wanting this to be posted so others who play on console can post their experience as well, to either state that the beverage cooler (not the little one) can be found in the game or not.


I'm bringing this up because it came to my attention that the beverage cooler can no longer be crafted and only obtained through traders.


I've posted about this across other sites such as Reddit to ask and people who play on PC say they've found it at traders but no response on the matter from console users.


This item used to be craftable but it was changed to be a trader item only, in Alpha 21 I believe.


I'm on day 64 and have been actively searching for this beverage cooler since day 1. Every third day in game the traders will restock their inventory and I visit them all on my PREGEN8K map. That is about 16 traders with their own inventory and so far I've had no luck finding this beverage cooler.


Starting to wonder if it isn't available on console or Xbox directly, as in forgotten about being added or if the RNG might need an adjustment considering this item in my experience has had a 0% spawn chance during 64 days in game.

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3 hours ago, NordHep said:

I've posted about this across other sites such as Reddit to ask and people who play on PC say they've found it at traders but no response on the matter from console users.


Console and PC are pretty much 1:1 with the exception of limitations in Video and map options due to the lack of CPU and RAM processing capabilities.


I just checked the xml, and the cooler is listed in the deco blocks for trader stock. So because you haven't found on on day 64 just means you haven't been lucky enough to have it appear in the stock cycles.  It isn't like this is a key item that is super important or anything either.

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3 hours ago, SylenThunder said:


Console and PC are pretty much 1:1 with the exception of limitations in Video and map options due to the lack of CPU and RAM processing capabilities.


I just checked the xml, and the cooler is listed in the deco blocks for trader stock. So because you haven't found on on day 64 just means you haven't been lucky enough to have it appear in the stock cycles.  It isn't like this is a key item that is super important or anything either.

It is a bit important to me, because it helps decorate my base and I've used it since Alpha 13... just feels really empty without.


But yeah, its based on luck but the spawn probability is quite bad when I haven't seen it at all in 64 days. Reason why I wonder if something is wrong.


Does it say anything in the xml about how frequently you can expect to find it?

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So some more details if you like


  • Spoiler
    • The lootgroup it is in has 15 items in it, so 1 out of 15 chance to pick.
    • All traders will have a minimum of 6, maximum of 10
    • Each trader will pick unique items, so no repeats (note, as ST stated, some have random quantity)



However, not sure which beverage cooler you are talking about.  The small portable ones are available from the trader.  However, if you are talking the one that is exactly one block high from previous Alphas, that one is not available from traders.  It is one of the new blocks that once you empty out the loot, it just becomes an non-interactive block


Attached picture - the block on the left you cannot buy from the trader, the 3 blocks from the right you can



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15 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

So some more details if you like


  •   Hide contents
    • The lootgroup it is in has 15 items in it, so 1 out of 15 chance to pick.
    • All traders will have a minimum of 6, maximum of 10
    • Each trader will pick unique items, so no repeats (note, as ST stated, some have random quantity)



However, not sure which beverage cooler you are talking about.  The small portable ones are available from the trader.  However, if you are talking the one that is exactly one block high from previous Alphas, that one is not available from traders.  It is one of the new blocks that once you empty out the loot, it just becomes an non-interactive block


Attached picture - the block on the left you cannot buy from the trader, the 3 blocks from the right you can



Its the one on the left I'm looking for and after a whole week of asking about it across many places, you are the first to actually tell me that its not available.


It was removed as a craftable from the game but it is listed under player blocks in the creative menu... so you're telling me that beverage cooler (left) is unobtainable as a whole now?


Why did they remove it? 

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16 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

So some more details if you like


  •   Reveal hidden contents
    • The lootgroup it is in has 15 items in it, so 1 out of 15 chance to pick.
    • All traders will have a minimum of 6, maximum of 10
    • Each trader will pick unique items, so no repeats (note, as ST stated, some have random quantity)



However, not sure which beverage cooler you are talking about.  The small portable ones are available from the trader.  However, if you are talking the one that is exactly one block high from previous Alphas, that one is not available from traders.  It is one of the new blocks that once you empty out the loot, it just becomes an non-interactive block


Attached picture - the block on the left you cannot buy from the trader, the 3 blocks from the right you can



Its the one on the left I'm looking for and after a whole week of asking about it across many places, you are the first to actually tell me that its not available.


It was removed as a craftable from the game but it is listed under player blocks in the creative menu... so you're telling me that beverage cooler (left) is unobtainable as a whole now?

Why did they remove it? 

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