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our server keeps making us download the map every time we log back in?

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we have had this server for a while now. my friends and I have played on this server in A21 and now in 1.0. after the last update we decided to reset the server and make a new world as we tend to get board once we hit end game weapons and such. once we made a new map and uploaded it to the server and got everything ready to go. we started a new game. all went normal with one exception. every time we log into the server to play now it has us download the map again. the first time it happened I thought there must have been a server issue and I was going to log into the game with a new character starting all over losing the hours of play we did. but to my shock I logged in to where I logged out. but all of us every time we go back in to play now have to download the map again before getting into the game. anyone have an idea why all of a sudden its doing this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had this happen before when I had changed the spawn file within the world and players did not have same file it caused all players to download map each time they logged into server due to different file sizes

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