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Your mod would possibly work if the entityclasses.xml file you include was copied/overwrite the original file in the config folder. That's not a good way to create a mod, especially if you are just making some small changes. What you want to do is use xpath statements that modify the games config files at runtime. For example, I wrote a mod in the past that changed the time it takes for loot bags to despawn (this may not work anymore, just an example). My entire entityclasses.xml file contains


    <!-- Zombie Loot bag drops last 40 minutes (40*60seconds)-->
    <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[starts-with(@name,'EntityLootContainer')]/property[@name='TimeStayAfterDeath']/@value">2400</set>


and that's it. That's saying to find specific entity_class items and change the value of the TimeStayAfterDeath property to 2400.


There is a topic on xpath explained in the tutorial section. I've also found this wiki page helpful https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/XPath_Explained


I'd suggest reading through those and then downloading some more mods and seeing how things are done.

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Ooo dear. Got into a bit of a pickle.


Mods will add things or change things to those original in game Config folder xmls and they need to be written up in a different way. We can pinpoint the exact nodes we want to change or use broad sweeping rules to cover everything. In this case you are attempting to do 2 things:


1. Increase the loot drop bags to 50%.

2. Increase the stay time for loot drop bags to 99999.


Here are a couple of pointers.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <Name value="ZbagDropIncrease" />
    <DisplayName value="Zbag Drop chance" />
    <Description value="Increases drop chance to around 50/50 chance, and extends duration of bag in the game world." />
    <Author value="Jeffreylane" />
    <Version value="" />
    <Website value="https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/4982" />




<set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[contains(@name, 'zombie')]/property[contains(@name, 'LootDropProb')]/@value">.5</set>



As for the loot drop bags, 99999 has the potential to cause a heap of performance issues during a Horde Night. With 50% of eliminations converting to bags, there will be a loot mountain and player performance will degrade. A party on a server will come screaming... ^^


Default TimeStayAfterDeath for zombie bags remains at 1200 seconds for V1.0. That is already 20 minutes with a Horde Night event on a 60 minute day cycle being 15 minutes. Those loot bags will still remain and create a mountain. Good luck with finding the balance for that.


An example of how that is governed in Preppocalypse, but with 120 day cycles in mind, and with default loot drop percentages.

    <!-- Zombie Loot Bag Time Stay Extensions -->
    <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='EntityLootContainerRegular']/property[@name='TimeStayAfterDeath']/@value">2000</set> <!-- Default is 1200 secs (20 mins) and good for 60 min cycle at (15 min BM) but not 90 (22 min 30 sec BM) -->
    <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='EntityLootContainerStrong']/property[@name='TimeStayAfterDeath']/@value">2000</set> <!-- Provides a 3 min 20 sec buffer for 120 min cycle -->
    <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='EntityLootContainerBoss']/property[@name='TimeStayAfterDeath']/@value">2000</set>


Spherii, Xyth, and a number of other community members have shared guides and tutorials on how to get modding. It is how I learned, and continue to learn.


The ModInfo.xml and XpathModding Explanation Thread will assist.

Once you feel a little more familiar with modding, visit the thread for the Unnofficial Modding Discord and join the Guppy's Discord.


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Ah yes. The whole of A21 was a constant cycle of approval requirements, third party checks, and a bit of a delay process. My last few weeks have been instant and after a year or so, maybe I have been given a higher grade of approval based on frequency and content. I really don't know. I understand the reason for it as spam bots were a constant thorn in A20. The response was extreme but such is I suppose.

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