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So having played 7DTD for many, many hours, and loving it by the way, I have a small suggestion for a tiny QOL fix. Would it be possible for the full release of 1.0, to add in a minimap and give waypoints (quest and / or custom) some kind of trail on the minimap, as in the way it's done in games like GTA, think this would make long journeys while driving a vehicle a lot easier, as it is I'm currently having to stop moving and press M to open the map to place a custom waypoint and then keep pressing M as I get closer to it, just to make sure I've taken the correct route,


Thanks guys, and keep up the amazing work!

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46 minutes ago, minisith said:

The way points are on the compass on the top of the screen if that helps.  I always use my compass.


Yes this is true, but the compass isn't quite as helpful as a full blown minimap would be

31 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Minimap was removed in Alpha 8. I don't believe a return for it is planned at all.


Definitely too late for a feature like that to make 1.0 release or any that lands in the next year anyhow.


There used to be a minimap? Must've been before I started playing (2019 on console)

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Considering I usually get to places without roads, a GPS path in front of me isn't going to be a lot of help.  Plus, there are often very fast option to get between tiles where there aren't streets rather than taking a long way around on the roads, so it would usually be better to ignore such a path.  And I believe the game doesn't really know where roads are.  It knows where they are at the edges of tiles but I don't think it knows where they are ON the tiles themselves so couldn't place a path.  This isn't a game with a static map, where it's easy to place such a path.  This game, everything is random unless you're always playing the same map.  I just don't see it happening.


Now, an optional minimap would be different.  I wouldn't use it myself but it would be possible to do without a lot of effort.  But since they removed it in the past, the chances it'll get added back are very low.

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26 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Considering I usually get to places without roads, a GPS path in front of me isn't going to be a lot of help.  Plus, there are often very fast option to get between tiles where there aren't streets rather than taking a long way around on the roads, so it would usually be better to ignore such a path.  And I believe the game doesn't really know where roads are.  It knows where they are at the edges of tiles but I don't think it knows where they are ON the tiles themselves so couldn't place a path.  This isn't a game with a static map, where it's easy to place such a path.  This game, everything is random unless you're always playing the same map.  I just don't see it happening.


Now, an optional minimap would be different.  I wouldn't use it myself but it would be possible to do without a lot of effort.  But since they removed it in the past, the chances it'll get added back are very low.


Yeah that's actually a fair point I hadn't considered, thank you for pointing that out! I mean it's possible someone will make a minimap mod in the community or whatever, can see a lot of people getting some use out of one for sure :)

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