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Announcing: Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Streamer Weekend Application

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Hace 1 hora, Doomofman dijo:

Espero que se haya descartado el fin de semana del 28 de junio, ya que es cuando se celebra la Twitchcon Europa.


No me gustaría que los streamers se perdieran el fin de semana porque están en la Twitchcon

Si no lo leí mal es este fin de semana, ,

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I have a few updates for people.

  • If you’re expecting to hear back from us but haven’t, please check your spam folder. There are still a lot of streamers that we sent acceptance emails to, but we haven’t heard back from them yet with their announcement videos. We are now re-sending these unanswered acceptance emails from a thefunpimps.com address, in the hope that they won’t end up in spam folders. Apologies in advance if some of you get a duplicate email from a different address.
  • Please don’t apply multiple times with the same information. This will not speed up processing your application.
  • I’ve decided I’m not going to send out rejection emails. There are too many people applying when they don’t meet the qualifications - in some cases zero followers or subscribers! So you won’t hear explicitly that you didn’t qualify. But streamers should already know what kind of viewership their channels have. If your numbers are short, sorry, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise.
  • In more positive news, we have ironed out the qualifications for other platforms besides Youtube and Twitch. These other platforms will have the same threshold: you need at least 5,000 followers or whatever the equivalent stat is for that platform. For example, on bilibili you need 5,000 “fans”.
  • We will need to stop accepting new applications at some point before the event starts. So if you haven’t applied yet - and you know your channel qualifies! - then there’s no time like the present to apply. :lever:
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11 hours ago, holymanhell said:

Can you please tell me that invitations to the discord server are already being sent out? I haven't received mine yet and haven't received any response after sending the link to the announcement video.

I was wondering the same as I sent the link to my announcement video a few weeks ago, but I haven't heard anything since.

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