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Darkness Falls - Anna Quest Question/Problem

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Hi I hope this is the right place to post this and that you have an answer. If not please direct me to right location and I'll repost.


I've been enjoying playing DK once again but I'm not sure if there is something I'm missing or doing wrong.

I did Razor's quests, went to Dr Anna who sent me to Eve - did her quests and was sent back to Anna. I did her quests but now I noticed that she keeps giving me the same quest over and over. The quest is "research rescue from hell" - I go do it, come back and get it again. I went back to Eve and if I ask her is she has a quest, she says yes but there is nothing there.

I don't see my rep moving with them (it's moving for other traders/factions as I do quests) and while I can buy from them, I can't sell to any of these special traders. Also I see no mastery magazines for sale with Dr. Anna (I know she usually has them - again this could be a rep thing) so I'm making them myself to keep going.


I can get through the entire bunker without too much problems but I seem to be in this quest loop. (I am getting terrific loot so I just keep taking the quest and clearing the bunker's 3 levels)

I'm not sure if it's a level thing, I'm level 95 and I've been proceeding nicely through the different classes. I've been able to make the laser workbench and fusion forge.


If it's the level/rep thing that's what I need to know.


Any help with this or direction to where it is on the forum would be greatly appreciated.



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so there is no advancement to Caitlin or an end bunker strategy? Ok, because as I level the fight is getting more intense, so I'll keep doing it.


Why isn't Dr Anna allowing me to sell to her? And how come she has no mastery books? Is that a level thing?


thanks again for your help. I appreciate it.



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  • 2 months later...

I am curious about this as well.. Seems strange that it just ends here..

Also, I didnt see any conversation text window with Anna, just the commands to accept the job. Then, no text when i bring the supplies back...

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