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2 player play - question on pulling friend into game

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If you and your friend both have the same mod installed (same version also) can you pull them into your game the same way as with vanilla 7dtd "invite to game" through the friends menu? If not, is there a way to pull your friend over into your mod game and how do I do it? 




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You can use the Invite option in the game even if they don't have the same mods.  They just might have issues, depending on what the mods are.  But the invite works the same.  If you know they have the same mods installed, then it will work fine.

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Thanks for responding. Is it the same 'invite to game' option in the friends listing? I do see an 'invite friends' when I pause the game - would that be the one? If not, where is that located? 


Thanks again for your help,


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Depending how you have steam set up your friend may be able to see you on steam in friends and click join game there if you never turned that off.

I am not sure how steam has to be set up to do that but I had often joined games of streamers I have friended by just clicking a Join Game button in there steam info.

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I have no problem pulling my friend into a vanilla game. It's easy - i get in go to friends list and invite to game (the game has to be set for 2) but I wasn't sure if I could do it the same if we want to play a mod like Joker or DK. 


I appreciate your help


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10 hours ago, PircBarb said:

I have no problem pulling my friend into a vanilla game. It's easy - i get in go to friends list and invite to game (the game has to be set for 2) but I wasn't sure if I could do it the same if we want to play a mod like Joker or DK. 


I appreciate your help


Ah ok.  Yeah should be no problems as long as you both have the same mod installed on computers.

Have fun.

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Yes, you can use either invite option... From steam or in the game.  I prefer the one in the game as I've sometimes had issues with the one in steam.  But either option works the same with or without mods.

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