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NPC Rewards too High


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My friends and I don’t play that often, but we’re getting together and playing the latest version for the second time. and we constantly face the same problem, when the rewards for tasks are too good for our level of development. for example, I just learned the skill of making a second bow, and as a reward from the NPC for a level 4 task, I was given a crossbow, which I would have unlocked at the last level of learning the skill. Moreover, it is level 5. at a time when we just started playing and we are on the 2nd game day of the game and we use the simplest firearms. The NPC gives us too much ammunition as a reward, and firearms of the 2nd or third level of development..... because of such gifts from the NPC, survival ceases to be such. We lowered the number of items, increased the difficulty of the zombies and wanted to play on a difficult mode, but the NPCs in rewards give too good rewards that are 2 heads better than our progress in the game. I think the rewards for reaching the second level of the NPC are fair, the Bicycle is very necessary. but there is no need to give objects as valuable as a bicycle every time. please balance the rewards for NPCs. Perhaps add to the game the ability to customize the quality of NPC rewards for completing their tasks. Now playing without mods, having set the difficult mode for yourself, the game becomes too easy due to NPC rewards. they are ahead of the progress of our development in the game. listen please, dear developers. I will be grateful if you review the reward system in the next version of the game. thank you for your attention (Google translate)

Edited by SylenThunder
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  • SylenThunder changed the title to NPC Rewards too High

I was looking for a place where I can suggest, or complain. I was told that this is meta here. developers read this forum. That's why I wrote here because... playing without modifications, there is a moment with an unbalanced NPC (Google translate)

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4 minutes ago, MisterAs said:

I was looking for a place where I can suggest, or complain. I was told that this is meta here. developers read this forum. That's why I wrote here because... playing without modifications, there is a moment with an unbalanced NPC (Google translate)


Pimp dreams or General Discussion is where you want to do that.  General Support is for players who have issues running the game and need answers to get it running properly.  Balanced issues is something that is not part of General Support and probably wouldn't be seen by developers.

FYI, this concern (Traders) has been brought up before so they are aware of players' concerns on them.

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