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HELP Please? - Trying to use shock_near and burn_near on Players instead of everything else

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So I'm trying to make a spawn that will have a shock_near check where it will zap the players every so often in a set interval.
I can get the thing to shock itself but when I try to set it to target the player it won't do it correctly.

Need Guidance on this one. Code snippet below

<loop class="For">
            <property name="min_loop_count" value="15" />
            <property name="max_loop_count" value="50" />
            <property name="phase" value="4" />
            <action class="Delay">
                <property name="time" value="15" />
            <requirement class="NearbyEntities">
                <property name="allow_player" />
                <property name="entity_tags" value="Player,human" />
                <property name="max_distance" value="100" />
            <action class="AddEntitiesToGroup">
                <property name="phase" value="4" />
                <property name="allow_player" />
                <property name="entity_tags" value="Player,human" />
                <property name="group_name" value="targets" />
            <action class="AddBuff">
                <property name="phase" value="4" />
                <property name="target_group" value="targets" />
                <property name="max_distance" value="30" />
                <property name="buff_name" value="buffShocked" />

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