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Bandits that get attacked by zombies....should become zombies


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One of the main hallmarks of the zombie genre is the living getting bit (infected) by zombies and becoming zombies themselves. 


I'm not familiar with any other game that has done that like how it's usually portrayed in the movies/shows. 


Maybe this is already in the works but if it's not, I really really think that it would be so good for the experience. 


I can picture it now. You're in a gunfight with some bandits. One of them gets blindsided by a zombie. They hit the ground, dead. Give it, maybe, 15 seconds and the body starts moving and twitching and gets back up and starts going for the nearest human. 


Tell me that wouldn't be a perfect layer of icing on the cake.

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20 hours ago, Riamus said:

but I can already see people just leading zombies to bandits to get them turned into zombies that can't shoot at you.  Probably not the best thing.

I didn't even think about that. That sounds great actually. That's a strat. They did that in the Walking Dead all the time. 

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On 12/2/2023 at 4:24 AM, Arez said:

One of the main hallmarks of the zombie genre is the living getting bit (infected) by zombies and becoming zombies themselves. 


I'm not familiar with any other game that has done that like how it's usually portrayed in the movies/shows. 


Maybe this is already in the works but if it's not, I really really think that it would be so good for the experience. 


I can picture it now. You're in a gunfight with some bandits. One of them gets blindsided by a zombie. They hit the ground, dead. Give it, maybe, 15 seconds and the body starts moving and twitching and gets back up and starts going for the nearest human. 


Tell me that wouldn't be a perfect layer of icing on the cake.

I kind of like that idea.  To go a step further, I think the same should happen to the player.  Not in 15 seconds, but if you get infected, if you don't cure it in time you turn into a Z and it's GAME OVER.  Permadeath.  As it is now, getting infected is not a big deal.


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