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Bigger Backpack Mods Visually Increase Capacity But Still Only Allow 45 Items

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So, I've been playing with bigger backpacks since alpha 16. This game has way too many blocks and items to have a measly 45 slots. Some alphas have made it easy, others difficult to mod this. Lately, as of A20.2 or 20.3, mod'ing this has been a headache and a half. I solved this by using other people's mods and turning off EAC.


Now, with no other mods installed, no matter what I do any and every backpack mod fails to fit a 46th item. Visually there's slots. If you click and drag you can place it in there. When you leave the game and reload though, the items are all gone. I mean, like I've said, I've been doing this for a long time. I understand mod conflicts. Hell, the issue before seemed to stem from the mods touching the progression.xml file. Now, nothing works at all. Hell, some of the mod creators stated that their mod worked with A21.2. I just couldn't get them to work myself.


Typically, I'd ask the mod creator, but as this appears to happen to all the mods when there's literally nothing to conflict with, I figured that it's general enough it might be useful information beyond a single mod. If anybody knows what causes this, I'd greatly appreciate the assist. This is driving me nuts.

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I could be wrong, but a lot of garbage can come from many mods. Check entityclasses.

entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='BagSize'] (total slots)
entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='CarryCapacity'] (total slots no perk used)

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1 hour ago, Stranded_Napkin said:

All of the mods I've checked have had those lines set. I'd assume there's a conflict but I'm at a loss as to how that can be. I've removed all other mods and am not running EAC.


Post your mod list and I will give it a go, not promising much though

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5 hours ago, Stranded_Napkin said:

Forgot to update. I figured it out. When initially using a backpack mod, you have to reset the game's backpack sometimes by transferring everything from your backpack to a chest and then grabbing it all back. I just forgot all about that quirk. Figures, right? lol

Glad you got it figured out

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I have another theory about this: in 21.2 TFP made a slot lock, which by default has a value of 45 (a value of 45 is very suspicious 😄).
I can’t check, but in 21.1 this line was not in the code ( in full confidence )

<combobox depth="3" name="cbxLockedSlots" pos="105,-7" width="100" height="30" tooltip_key="xuiStashLockedSlots" type="ComboBoxInt" value_min="0" value_max="45" value_wrap="true" value_increment="1" />

Accordingly: mods versions BEFORE 21.2 simply do not have such a parameter and I suspect that this is the problem.

In the meantime, for my work on the interface, I replaced the value 45 with the one I needed... Will see what comes of this...

Edited by Goblin_aka_Dark (see edit history)
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