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Bandits with awesome flavoured spice


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Regarding future bandits:


It would be kind of awesome if bandits that wander near your base for a tiny while can spawn a temporary camp (like a tent, a campfire, a barricade or a small shack) if the terrain conditions are right.

This would add A LOT to gameplay value, and it could be set as a temporary spawn point for them (More could come out of the camp after a while and you could destroy it to stop that from happening... or just the campsite and that's it.


Other stuff that can be done with this feature :


. Their ability to spawn temporary structures or their numbers could be tunned in the settings.

. The size of their camps could change over time (or not, depending on performance constraints).

. Those makeshift camps could have a chest, with something interesting, maybe a random piece of what that current bandit group has in their hands at the moment, or just a random item.

. Bandits can go to your base from those makeshift campsites and ask for dukes or valuable gear to delay an attack for a while, like 1-3 days or something.


And a more complex one,

.There could be quests associated with this situation, that are either shown at the trader and then make the campsite appear or they are shown AFTER the campsite appears and might dissappear if not accepted and the site is previously destroyed. This is not needed for the sake of the fun of it though.



What do you guys think?

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While I think that would be too taxing


Have random events like survivors roaming around and pretend to savage and Bandits having raiding parties 


The main thing we need is Post Apocalypse bases and poi. Both ones with zombies and survivors.  


Like imagine raiding a overunned trader post (trader Jimmy RIP). Old settlements/shanty towns full of zombies, maybe a biker bunker that was used for drug running or something.


Then you got the active survivors camps. Some friendly.  Can trade a small bit. And take small jobs like the old missions (kill male zombies and come back) Or hostile... we're they shoot on sight. 



And with any game with human enemies you gotta have some special uses!!! 


Like melee, ranged, Stealth, tanks, heavy, demos, grenadiers ,snipers, support, archer, boss, 


Hell throw in a odd tamed dog or drone to spice stuff up. 

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On 11/4/2023 at 12:37 AM, Adam the Waster said:

While I think that would be too taxing


Have random events like survivors roaming around and pretend to savage and Bandits having raiding parties 


The main thing we need is Post Apocalypse bases and poi. Both ones with zombies and survivors.  


Like imagine raiding a overunned trader post (trader Jimmy RIP). Old settlements/shanty towns full of zombies, maybe a biker bunker that was used for drug running or something.


Then you got the active survivors camps. Some friendly.  Can trade a small bit. And take small jobs like the old missions (kill male zombies and come back) Or hostile... we're they shoot on sight. 



And with any game with human enemies you gotta have some special uses!!! 


Like melee, ranged, Stealth, tanks, heavy, demos, grenadiers ,snipers, support, archer, boss, 


Hell throw in a odd tamed dog or drone to spice stuff up. 

Well, most of what you say is already kind of planned, so not really a Pimp Dream. Bandits spawning tiny camps adds a "huge and organic" gameplay value. That's what she said anyways.

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