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Grafik Einstellungen


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Hi Leuts,


kann mir jmd dabei helfen die beste Grafik Einstellung für mich zu finden. Ich habe schon einiges zu der Framerate gelesen, hab auch alles runter gestellt. Nun will ich aber nich alles so weit runter schrauben dass ich noch nicht mal die Aufschrift von ner Gas n pass o workinsstiff Kiste erkennen kann. Weiß jmd was ich dafür dann wieder hoch schrauben muss?


Vielen Dank Jungs! :)



Hi guys,

Can anyone help me find the best graphics setting for me? I've already read a lot about the frame rate, how to boost performance and have also turned everything down. Now I don't want to scale everything down so much that I can't even see the label on a gas n pass o workinsstiff box. Does anyone know what I have to change to at least see the labels clearly? Like nothing else, just that one stting so i can see the labels better.


tnx guys! :)





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Texture Quality under Quality in the Video Settings - turn it up. Your optimal graphic settings can depend on your PC hardware -- a list of those can really help, wither you are running a powerful pc or something less powerful. Also, you might want to post a request like this here: General Support - 7 Days to Die to get a better response :)


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usually you should get the best "performance versus image quality" (more fps while still good looking) when you play around with anything considering "shadows" and "draw distance". 7D2D is more CPU bound, so you can often find a way to keep good image quality, by choosing to lower stuff that's mainly influenced by CPU (GPU has to wait for data from CPU)

So I suggest you may start with high or medium quality preset and then start turning down everything that says "shadows" and "distance" in the options.

"occlusion" should be left on, cause that's an option that does "don't draw/calculate stuff that the player can't see anyway, cause it's behind other stuff".


There are even little explanations behind every option, when you mouse-over the button, a little context window pops up and explains what it does and how big the impact on performance might be. Of course only on a general level, it also strongly depends on your hardware, the real bottleneck does vary.


So there's no perfect universal settings one could give you, even if you explicitly listed your hardware components.

Just start to try out, and don't do too many steps at a time. You will find a good compromise that runs smoothly and still looks good for you.

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On 9/15/2023 at 2:32 PM, OneManStanding said:

Texture Quality under Quality in the Video Settings - turn it up. Your optimal graphic settings can depend on your PC hardware -- a list of those can really help, wither you are running a powerful pc or something less powerful. Also, you might want to post a request like this here: General Support - 7 Days to Die to get a better response :)


well tnx guys for the help! i´ll check it step by step out :)

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