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Extreme desync during 7th nights


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Alpha 21.1 (b16). A group of 5-6 friends play the game fine, but once it reaches horde nights we lose sync between players. The zombies and mobs all seem to stop in place on our screens but continue to attack and cause damage, different players have different times of day on their screens when this is happening. Once it's close to the end of the horde night everyone tends to sync up again, but at this point everyone's already died several times over due to the mobs continuing to attack whilst we're desynced. Would this be a network or optimization error? Is it addressed in later builds of the game? How would we go about fixing this?

Edited by ShadowWarden01
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  • ShadowWarden01 changed the title to Extreme desync during 7th nights

It depends...


You dont give enough info to work out what the issue is.


It could be the server is hitting a hardware limit, or the server's network could be hitting a bandwith limit, or it could be a mod / game settings, or it could be just a limit of the game code.


Many of these are unlikely, as others do not have issues at horde night on servers with more than 6 players (but need to be ruled out to find the root cause).


Maybe post some more details of the setup (ie are you using a dedicated server? what is the server hardware? network LAN or WiFi? are you using mods?)


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Hi, thanks for your reply. I wasn't really sure what info to include. I believe it's a dedicated server with peer to peer connections. No mods used at all. I don't think it's a hardware limit as the server host and I made a similar set-up in a pre-generated world to test and had no issues with desync. All of us connect via Wi-Fi but our ping is usually stable at about 20 ms, when the desync occurs though our ping jumps up into the thousands, even for the host. 

One thing I have noticed that I've asked the other server members to try is enabling a setting in the general options tab called "Network Workaround". I'm  not sure as to what it does or whether it would help us, but from the description it seeks to improve desync and disconnects.

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To clarify, are you saying that using a pregen map, this doesn't occur?  But it occurs on a random map?


If you can include a player log and the host or server log (server if using a server, host if a person is hosting the game themselves), that may help.

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I'll double check with the server host once he's responded, I believe the map we play on is also a pregen world. Sorry for the noobish questions but what are the player and server/host logs and how can I find them? Or direct the server host to find them.


The world that we tested was only the 2 of us under those conditions, not the regular 5-6 people that we have on during the horde nights. So we weren't sure if the higher network traffic from more people would be causing the issue. Especially whilst we're desynced the mobs continue to attack and interact with the world


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