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Weather and Indoor Lighting


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I've nearly died on a few occasions because of the lighting system. I'm fighting zombies in a house The weather changes outside (overcast) and suddenly it goes pitch black indoors. I end up shooting/swinging blind and trying to run out of the building in a panic.


Just curious if you have any updates to the lighting system on the horizon or if this is something we need to learn to live with.


EDIT: Sorry, hadn't realised I'd posted this in the console section. It's actually a PC issue if a mod would be kind enough to move it. Thanks.

Edited by martinistripes (see edit history)
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This is probably the only minor gripe I have so far about the current alpha. It is literally darker during a storm than it is at night and I seem to get at least one storm per day.


You could crank up the gamma in the settings when that happens and turn it back down when the light returns but that gets tedious real quick.


When starting out I usually use the torch as a weapon instead of the wooden club. As soon as I find one, I put a burning shaft mod on my weapon and/or stone axe until I can find a weapon light or better yet, a helmet light.


There might be some sort of weather mod that might help but I haven't looked into that yet as I usually don't mod this game. If someone knows of a mod that edits the weather, please share.

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My theory about the lighting situation in this game made me think about another Unity-based game i play (you might know it) called Escape From Tarkov.

There are weird moments when I play Tarkov that the lights effectively go OUT for no reason.
When I saw this in 7 Days i realized they used the same lighting system Tarkov did, probably due to the Unity build the game is on.

I believe it has to do with the actual lighting system the build of Unity uses. It just blacks out for no reason when you cross a threshold in the game instead of adjust it variably to not go dark as fast. Also factoring in the way the voxel works where the blocks have a 0 or 255 opacity (basically yes and no if light passes through) and you can even stand by an open window and be in total darkness (happens in Tarkov as well despite them not being voxel based).

Also add in weather effects (which reduces the gamma in the game) and it only worses. Everyone's biggest gripe in Tarkov is the rain (too dark inside of buildings and too noisy (that 2nd part isn't relevant here)). Unless there is some other lighting model or system they can use, we'll just be forced to slog through it.

Thankfully they at least give us a torch off the rip to help with that problem.

Edited by RStarphoenix (see edit history)
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I figured out how to disable the darkening (indoors) and lightening effects (outdoors)

using xpath

worldglobal xml



<set xpath="/worldglobal/environment//property[@name='ambientInsideSpeed']/@value">0</set>
<set xpath="/worldglobal/environment//property[@name='ambientInsideThreshold']/@value">0</set>
<set xpath="/worldglobal/environment//property[@name='ambientInsideEquatorScale']/@value">1, 1</set>



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