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Quest Boundary is displayed way to late . IMO

Jon Dillinger

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i often get distracted by roaming Z when doin quest and constantly leave quest area because the warning marker only displays at the last second so with my already bad reaction time compounded with the display latency common to TV 's even when i notice it. it takes lightning fast reflexes to recognize what it is and react to it 
maybe have a UI option to have quest boundaries displayed as soon as quest is started or trigger the boundary display much sooner ,other than that you guys are awesome thanks for staying in the fight and keeping this awesome dream alive i know you guys get gruff for the lengthy Alpha State but i see why you took your time i loved this game when ist started on A14 on console now to see where it gone from there its amazing Kudos to you, BTW i have both a PC and ps5 I'm willing to sign an NDA incase you want help getting the console port goin 

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Honestly, I've never even seen the boundary that they added.  I notice only from the quest tracker check mark turning yellow.  But I also have a good idea of where POI boundaries are and so it's not common for me to be anywhere near the boundary.  The only time it really comes up are the buried quests because there's no way to see where the boundary would be like there is with a POI.  But even then, I still have an idea of where based on how close I am to the hole I'm digging.


But as far as whatever that colored border they added looks like or how it works, if it doesn't give you some warning at least 10m or so before leaving the boundary (or whatever the distance is for the quest tracker check to turn yellow), then I'd agree that it should be corrected.  But that's really not a bug so this probably isn't the best location for the suggestion.

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