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Having issues setting up a dedicated server.

Markus Lane

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Hi everyone,


   I'm trying to set up a dedicated server for my friends and I to play on, but I keep coming into an issue while booting it. I have the log file, but I don't see a way attach it, and i can't copy/paste it because it "contains contacts. looks like spam". From what I can tell it's looking for a folder that doesn't exist (F:/7daystodie-ds/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/). I do see a MonoBLeedingEdge in '7daystodie-ds' but not in '7DaysToDieServer_Data'. Maybe that's unrelated, but maybe it's worth pointing out. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!


P.S. Clear Talk spam prevention also prevents things that are not spam. Just so you know.



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