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DarknessFalls A20.7 Traditional Chinese Localization 黑暗降臨繁體中文翻譯檔案


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Hi all,


'Cause lots of TChinese users playing 7d2d, and most of them struggling reading in English,

so I translated the localization.txt files of those config files in DF, also corrected the wrong words used in SChinese or even wrong item names in main game (A20.7) file.

Please read the "README" file before you replacing them directly or trying to sell them.

For translation cooperation requests, please contact me directly using the contact information in the donation link below.


Here are the downloads link from MEGA, wish everyone can have fun playing DF A20.7 Mods !😃






所以我自行增加了黑暗降臨模組全部 .../config 資料夾內的 localzation.txt 繁體中文語言的欄位並逐行翻譯,也順便修正了原版主遊戲檔(A20.7)內很多混雜的簡中用語及錯字。






MEGA downloads link/ 下載連結:

Click Me


Donate Link (Portlay)/贊助連結(傳送門):

Click to Donate


If you have mods need to translate into Traditional Chinese, you can also write me a message with contact info above the Portlay Link, let me know how we can work together.



Edited by PMonstR (see edit history)
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