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sneak over debris and no noise book


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I'm pretty much stealth centric and love this particular book.  The fallen ceiling tiles are NOT trash, however, and will make a huge noise when stepped on.  Normal 'trash' works as it should as far as I've seen, which is stealthing all the way up to T5 infested and T5 normal.  It won't change the triggers, but it does work against trash noise.

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This is as direct as it sounds, but I honestly can't remember the last time I woke a zed by kicking trash. And I kick it a plenty, I only remove them for the plastic in early game.


Most of the time, there are no zeds around to hear it. When there's some sleeping zeds, they wouldn't wake up by a shotgun blast from where I'm standing. And if I get close enough, the triggers will wake them, not the trash..


So, no, I don't know if the book has issues atm, but I think trash does .. :D

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1 hour ago, Khissi said:

I'm pretty much stealth centric and love this particular book.  The fallen ceiling tiles are NOT trash, however, and will make a huge noise when stepped on.  Normal 'trash' works as it should as far as I've seen, which is stealthing all the way up to T5 infested and T5 normal.  It won't change the triggers, but it does work against trash noise.


thanks for the note.  i hear the trash noise which is what made me believe it was trash.  i can't remember if it goes off even if you have the book.

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Normal trash bits don't actually make noise for me when I step on them.  Large piles, bags of trash, though, do still make noise when you brush by them, but I didn't notice if they set off the meter.  I'll watch and add to the post if I find that's the case.

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Okay, just did some testing... none of the trash bits, glass, piles of trash bags, boxes etc. made ANY sound as long as I was sneaking.  If I stood up for anything, though... noise.  Looks to be working as intended.

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