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Make sleepers wake without being alert


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Currently there are 3 states a zombie can be in (that I can tell)

Asleep, awake and alert.

Awake zombies will be the wanderers that just walk around aimlessly, sleepers are the fish in a barrel that we are comfy spawn killing and alert are the GPS homing monsters that will find you and annoy you.


currently sleepers are either asleep or alert, they won't wake up if they can't be alert to you so stealth kills are generally shooting fish in a barrel.


I think stealth gameplay (not power, gameplay) would be vastly improved if some zombies were spawned in in their middle state and just aimlessly wandered in houses to keep each playthrough different, currently once you learn the layout you can safely snipe everyone With little danger.

by spawn I mean if you walk into their trigger zone they wake up and wander without locking into you.


If you leave the area they can revert to sleep status to preserve resources.



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That would help, or at least liven things up a bit. I proposed reducing bow sneak shot damage (at least unskilled) to reach a similar goal; if you can't one-shot most things while they're sleeping, you'll now have single actives coming for you and there's Some gameplay to deal with them. You'd have the advantage of getting to lure out singles and weaken the room before engaging with the rest, but it wouldn't be a complete shooting fish in a barrel simulator.


Linking that thread as it's fallen quite a bit by now (there's a bit of waffle at the start as the idea had other reasoning behind it, but .. same deal :) )


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That might be a start too, but you still get a free shot it's silly not to stealth kill everything if possible.

A part of my goal though was forcing stealth kills on moving targets and adding randomness to enemy locations, also bringing in distraction gameplay throwing stone decoys to round them up.

Lower stealth damage innately could also be okay but I think a headshot from stealth on weak zombies with a bow should be expected, if not maybe stun the zombie from stealth meaning you need to get another headshot as it's waking back up or something.


Still, fish barrel Sim should be zombie hunter sim

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