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Request: Have no trader item rewards after quests, just more dukes?

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Wondering if a modlet would be possible to not have any trader rewards after quests, just increase the dukes given as rewards by a percent, say an additional 25-35%, something like that. 


I feel the trader rewards are sometimes very OP and makes leveling up your character obsolete. Since you could be on stone axe quality 5 and get a steel axe level 4...what's the point? There's many other examples. 


If you just got more dukes that would be fair imo. 

Also removes the "reward" you get after completing the "7 quest at that level." like DF does it.  No free bicycle. 


Is something like this possible? 


Thanks! :D

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What? I said I would like to turn off rewards from the trader. Since a lot of the rewards are OP. In exchange for 25-30% more dukes. Think the tools and weapons sometimes way passed what you can currently make. Making leveling up your character obsolete. 

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