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[Bug] Gyrocopter Input commands


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There is an issue with the Gyrocopter input commands. the vehicle is both registering the ground and Gyrocopter inputs at the same time listed in the UI options. For example the "Brake / Gyro Pitch up [Space]" will stop the aircraft and pitch up the aircraft stalling out in the process. The same applies for "Hop / Gyro Pitch Down [C]"


Proposed Fix: Assign a seperate hotkey field for the gyrocopter in the next update, or rework the input script where the vehicle will use the ground controls ONLY when all wheels are situated and prioritize the pitch functions seperate from any other thrust.


**Other thoughts:

  • Camera center lock would be appreciated
  • tightening up the follow cam altitude delay that makes the vehicle dip to the top/bottom of the screen.
  • More Responsive altitude gain/loss on rotor speed, instead of acting like a tissue made glider.



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