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Server can only create Navezgane


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I'm self-hosting Alpha 21 at a linux machine, I can make any change I want at the 'serverconfig.xml'


But in this field:

	<!-- World -->
	<property name="GameWorld"						value="Navezgane"/>			
	<property name="WorldGenSeed"					value="asdf"/>				
	<property name="WorldGenSize"					value="10240"/>				
	<property name="GameName"						value="My Game"/>			
	<property name="GameMode"						value="GameModeSurvival"/>	


If I make any change to "RWG" or "PREGEN10k", the server won't load or will not be visible. 
Can anyone give me an assistence on how to fix it? 

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17 hours ago, SylenThunder said:


I could if you had given us any real information to work with. Would need logs at a minimum. Information on how you set it up could be useful as well.



Hello, not sure if you're being a bit agressive or if it just my impression, however I found a workaround.

I dind't post any log because there was none, the game/server didn't even started, and it did not returned any error, it simple was closing it self before even start. 


What was (is) happening, the game is not creating a folder in the '.local' folder of other maps, only the Navezgane, but if anyone place the files of the map that they want to play, it will load it under the name of the Navezgane game. 

So, this will 'fix' the issue. 

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The server will create a logfile even if it stops early again because of a problem


I did not fully understand your explanation of the fix. The logfile would likely have showed us what really is the problem.


It should not be necessary for you to move maps around to play them, maybe you still have a problem and a "fix" that might make problems later.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, meganoth said:

The server will create a logfile even if it stops early again because of a problem


I did not fully understand your explanation of the fix. The logfile would likely have showed us what really is the problem.


It should not be necessary for you to move maps around to play them, maybe you still have a problem and a "fix" that might make problems later.


I did try to create a folder for other Worlds, but the config file only follows the path of Navezgane folder (I don't know why). 
I don't have the logs anymore because I deleted the previous container, but I can create another later and post the logs here. 


I know that my "fix" it's not ideal, but we're in a experimental version, so I did this so it could work, but I also posted here to seek help or help other people in the same situation, as well to report a bug. 



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