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Worse start you've had in a21 b317? Here's mine.


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This was a map I literally just generated, I spawned in, in the forest as usual, did the intro quest only to be told my trader is 4.3km away, I wasn't walking that so I basically debug mode and ctrl+clicked the map to warp to it.. well it got worse. Not only was it 4.3km away my first trader the game sent me to at level 1 was in the middle of the wasteland. Needless to say I exited to menu and generated a new world. Did run around a bit and found t6 stone axe/shovel thou, outdoor spawns weren't too bad other than the zombie bears. But yeah, could you imagine a new player getting told to run 4.3km away only to end up in the worse biome possible to start in for a new player?

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Well, my only bad start so far, limited sample size though, was my own fault. I accidentally copied the headshots only mod that I had downloaded. It sort of borked the dogs so they were nigh unkillable. 3 deaths in two days. I thought The Fun Pimps had recreated the console dog problem. A quick check of my mods folder corrected that line of thinking though. Thank god as that was a start I wouldn't wish on anybody.


Edit: additionally, the dog didn't die and was simply respawned 5 meters from my backpack. Yeah, I wasn't playing chicken with an invincible dog, so I restarted.

Edited by Stranded_Napkin
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