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Just 4SheetzNGeegles

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I unlocked a Tier 2 work bench, are tiers necessary, for benches and stations? Are they not absolutes, and the learn by read

raises the production stats, plus addons and points? To tear down a bench and rebuild it is redundant yes or no?


At same monitor setting, I now have pitch black nights again. 35% gamma. I really like this part of the default game. Some

of the light transitions are a bit abrupt, but could possibly be fine tuned.


Brings the thought of a single hand weapon,
right side, and lefthand (hold type) for defense. This could lead into the next iteration, because the inclusion of bandits and

projectile weapons would necessitate it. Checking the stealth meter, zombies go from rabid to cursory attention. because of

the lighting adjustment. A good functional change.I have to admit my stealth play has changed drastically, I still start from

roof down for vantage points. In 3 skull and above pois, I just run through and raise the sleepers and sneaky Pete's, hit elevation

and snipe, with primitive bow. My pistol is only if my back is to the wall.


Shade, when you are in the forest early morning is great. Although in first person the camera may need to use the same specs

as the third person, reasoning, the avatar is always lit in first person, while third person shows shadows and light. Possibly repositioning
the camera will allow for the effect, unless the avatar is designed that way.


Single player repurposed the polymer scavenging for the dew collector. Music had to be turned down to allow for environmental sounds,

the recorded level was a bit high. I now use things I'd disregard before.


No cooking pot yet, days in, but hunting and grilling. I hunt chicken vs rabbit, more for
feathers than meat. Watching zombies attack the animal carcass is involving to say the least. Zircle of life/death sort of hing. I hope all

entities have this engaged. More predators at night makes sense. I think I'm going to up the ante for this mod.


Going to change a few colors on hud for personal visibility.


Throwing my spear again, but only using one now, vs countdown from 5. thanks for not
getting rid of this "yet".


Staying at Moe's Grocery, until I clear the city.


Adjusted the rain fog, too repetitious. Nomadic scavenger, living off what I've been able to scrounge mostly.


I only had one phase shift multidimensional pop up during a quest, for clear.


Had to get accustomed to the, dew collector. But fresh water is fresh water. Yay me.


Environmental pois: example Blood forest,nice touch. It makes it feel a bit more like an adventure game now. I have to adjust the font

and layout for preference but I like it. The mod I had done involved the street vs the grass. Helps tremendously with the stealth
mechanic, at least out doors. Add to that that I made the grass taller. It give the feel of it working.


These two are purely asthetic, but gladly received, the Seamless texture of the Plywood. The cracks have been enhanced.


The weird animation is still there though, if a zombie begins run animation at same time you poke it with a spear, it spins around but

keeps falling as you back pedal, resolution, if i see this now the next poke is in the lower abdomen and they just stop and drop dead.


FPS stable,


Playing 1080P as always, more to come. Wlamart 1650 super evga gtx 1080 32gig ram.



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The workbench has no tier. The crafting skill has tiers. And at tier 2 of your crafting skill you unlock the workbench.


A bit confused about your PC. 1650 super is a graphics card. GTX1080 is also a graphics card.


I play with a I7-13700K, 32GB Ram DDR5, RX6600XT and i can use the ultra preset with stable 60FPS on 1080p (limited the FPS as my display is 60Hz) Hordenights with 48 Z´s are around 45-50 FPS.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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At walmart the advertisement was 1650 super, for the tower assembly. It came with a ryzen 3600 6 core, I replaced the graphics card with

the gtx 1080. It fit perfectly, you just have to sit it on the board and turn clockwise. Since it has no onboard peripherals, I use external HD

and blu ray. so I i didn't have to change the power supply. It runs smoothly, with those settings for me in the city 70 fps, my horde is set to

32. same outcome 40+.


Thanks for the update on workbench info. I was just reading books and it flashed by, RNG has been Murphy's Lawing me from the beginning.

I raid every kitchen and mailbox I see. No pot so far. c’est la vie

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