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Longer Crafting Times?


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Is there a universal way to make crafting times longer? I see "craft_time" properties all through recipes.xml but I'm not crazy about potentially changing 93 instances. I was looking to dabble with perhaps crafting being 10x or 50x slower and see how that affected my solo game.

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2 minutes ago, zztong said:

Is there a universal way to make crafting times longer? I see "craft_time" properties all through recipes.xml but I'm not crazy about potentially changing 93 instances. I was looking to dabble with perhaps crafting being 10x or 50x slower and see how that affected my solo game.

The nerdy glasses make crafting faster, maybe you can look at them and add a debuff to player in the entity classes file?

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To expand on what I was thinking earlier,


in entityclasses.xml, add the following line after crafting tier in the entity_class playerMale


        <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" value="0.1"/>


Sorry I said debuff earlier when I should have said property for the entity class


Not sure if this would work though (and take what I say with a grain of salt - I spent a week trying to figure out why 3 of my custom quests were giving me a red warning error when I clicked on them just to realize today the reason was one of the rewards was a custom item that I removed from my mod, but forgot to remove it from the quests).

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This was the right track, but 0.1 wasn't the right number. It turns out 0.1 was a 1.5x multiple. I found 0.01 went the wrong way. Then 0.5 worked out to 3.5x. A little math and...


<append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group">
    <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" value="1.8"/>


... seems to give a 10x crafting time result. (More testing needed.)




Heh, 10x is too much, but there's room to maneuver. It sounded good when talking about really quick stuff, but 20 minutes to make 8 tea seems... long. Of course, this isn't a microwave oven. lol

Edited by zztong (see edit history)
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10 hours ago, zztong said:

This was the right track, but 0.1 wasn't the right number. It turns out 0.1 was a 1.5x multiple. I found 0.01 went the wrong way. Then 0.5 worked out to 3.5x. A little math and...





Heh, 10x is too much, but there's room to maneuver. It sounded good when talking about really quick stuff, but 20 minutes to make 8 tea seems... long. Of course, this isn't a microwave oven. lol

Glad that it worked.  I didn’t check the value (I just changed the one for the nerdy glasses from a negative to positive) so some testing would been required to figure out the value you wanted.


If your testing shows that only a few recipes need tweaking from the overall change, I would recommend just adding crafting times to those (or modifying the existing ones) - but you already may be planning on doing that

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7 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

If your testing shows that only a few recipes need tweaking from the overall change, I would recommend just adding crafting times to those (or modifying the existing ones) - but you already may be planning on doing that


I started down that path but backed off to the current approach, maybe because I'm lazy and I'm not making an "overhaul" so much as tweaking things for my own enjoyment and there's an appeal to making just this one change instead of changing a bunch of recipes.


This works for me because I tend to play as a nomad. I think it would be a waste if playing with folks who build bases as they'd just build a bunch more workstations. My "base" has to fit into my vehicle. Longer crafting times forces me to plan in advance a little more.

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