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Windows Dedicated Server not connecting to EOS


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Hi Everyone,


So, I have the dedicated server newly installed on a windows 10 pro machine.  At first steamnetwork was listed not to  use that protocol but I removed that and it seemed to get better but still I couldn't connect to the server from a different PC.  Then I disabled anticheat since I had some warning but still can't connect to the dedicated server.


Here's the log:



It seems it can't connect to the EOS or the backend or get auth somehow?  Any help would be appreciated.


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You need to create an exclusion in your antivirus software for the game folder and saves folder. If you don’t have a third party antivirus then you have Windows Defender. Turning off the antivirus is not enough, you still need to create the exclusions. This is the most common cause of that error. If creating the exclusions doesn’t help, let us know and someone will help with other possibilities.

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I looked again at the error, a bit closer, and it might be a certificate issue. There was another thread where several people chimed in on getting good certificate but I don't remember the details. I'll try to find the post but in the meantime maybe someone else will chime in. Part of it was using a browser to try and connect to the website in the error message but let me see if I can find that post.


EDIT: Take a look  at this post and see if it helps.


Edited by Star69 (see edit history)
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Thank you!  That link worked.  Apparently the version of windows that I had, (tiny10) does NOT have windows root CA installed.  Figuring out how to install the CA was beyond me, but one of the mods said that installing MS Edge probably installed the certs with it.  I installed Edge and it works.  I hate how bloated edge is ... but I'll figure that out later.  Thanks!

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