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Killing Floor Zeds?


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I know with the game's history of having a ripped off KF1 zombie in its very first public Alpha this might be a controversial topic, but I thought I'd still bring it up again because I have had this idea for a long time.


Imagine playing 7 Days To Die but with the zeds from Killing Floor (1 or 2 it doesn't matter) to replace the zombies. Maybe slightly alternate looking versions so it doesn't infringe on copyright / so it doesn't use any ripped models. I always thought that idea was very cool, and I am honestly surprised I have never seen it done before.


Just like stronger zeds appear in KF in later waves, stronger zeds could appear in 7dtd in later horde nights and on higher game stages.

So at the start you'd just be dealing with Clots, Cysts, Slashers, Gorefasts and Bloats ...

eventually you get your Crawlers, Stalkers, Sirens and Husks

then (if really needed) the EDARs (hate them honestly just don't include them, or make them Husk variants as they should've been to begin with) and Quarter Pounds...

And then imagine on later 7dtd horde nights and game stages to come across things such as Fleshpounds and Scrakes.


Also ending horde nights on a Boss fight could be cool. It wouldn't be for everyone. But the core people I play 7dtd with are the same people I also play KF2 with, and I always thought a mod like this would be hella cool.

I know its not easy to pull off, but I still thought I'd suggest it again to see if someone might be interested in taking on the challenge.


It could even be accomplished by a separate mod / module that includes perks and guns like in KF2. Not as many obviously, since the arsenal from KF2 is gigantic. But still a whole bunch to make the various perks worthwhile.

I think it is a bit of a missed opportunity that no mod like this has ever been developed (to my knowledge). I have played mods with custom Zombies before and they either felt completely out of place, didn't follow a progression, or were just more versions of the standard zombies.



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The reason it hasn't been done before is because of copyright reasons.  You can't take the models from KF1/KF2 and use them in a mod or game, unless those assets are free to use in the first place.


Most mod creators don't want to receive a cease and desist letter (or worse, a notice of a lawsuit filed against them).

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4 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

The reason it hasn't been done before is because of copyright reasons.  You can't take the models from KF1/KF2 and use them in a mod or game, unless those assets are free to use in the first place.


Most mod creators don't want to receive a cease and desist letter (or worse, a notice of a lawsuit filed against them).

I literally address this in my post. I love it when people skim over half a paragraph and then think they can respond to the whole thing...

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59 minutes ago, Shado47 said:

I literally address this in my post. I love it when people skim over half a paragraph and then think they can respond to the whole thing...


I did read it.  However, you can't just assume if you slightly alter the models that you are in the clear legal wise.  Copyright laws impact more than just direct copies of other people's work.  It also falls under a concept called derivative works which means that the work itself, using copyright material, has to be substantial and a reflection of that person's creativity / workmanship.  And no, I am not assuming anything you said, I am basing what I said on a direct statement you made:



Maybe slightly alternate looking versions


So for a mod creator to use something like a Gorefast, they would need to modify the base model in a significant manner that the original copyright owner can't demonstrate in a court of law that the mod creator used their copyrights without permission.  By that point, it becomes less and less a Gorefast, and more an original creation by the mod creator, which based on the specific examples you listed in your original post, would deviate greatly from what I believe you are seeking.


The issue you mentioned at the start of your post is a perfect example.  The model that TFP purchased (thinking it was available for sale) was a slightly alternate version of the Clot.  It was not an exact copy of the original Clot model, but the resemblance was close enough that anyone using that model purchased from the Unity store were going to have legal issues.


In some cases, you might be legally right to use an asset, but not have the financial means to defend that stance in court.


Maybe there is a version of zombie models that you would accept for your mod idea that doesn't get the mod creator in potential legal trouble, but you are going to have to provide more details on how they look - not just "slightly alternate looking versions".  At that point, the mod creator will have to make a personal choice on if they want to handle this type of project (and if they believe the plans / ideas significantly reduce the risk).


Look, I am all for people modding their game and asking others for assistance, I just want others to be aware of the potential legal issues surrounding mods when you start using assets that might cause another copyright owner to come after you with lawyers.

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18 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

So for a mod creator to use something like a Gorefast, they would need to modify the base model in a significant manner that the original copyright owner can't demonstrate in a court of law that the mod creator used their copyrights without permission.


No, could just make a new model from scratch. It is not that hard. I have done plenty of 3D design myself. It doesn't need to be an altered ripped model trying to cheese the law. And it doesn't need to be called a Gorefast either.


There's so many ways around this, and I'd love a 7dtd modding approach that took a route like this, especially when leaning on an IP as successful as Killing Floor. The two mix perfectly after all.

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6 hours ago, Shado47 said:


No, could just make a new model from scratch. It is not that hard. I have done plenty of 3D design myself. It doesn't need to be an altered ripped model trying to cheese the law. And it doesn't need to be called a Gorefast either.


There's so many ways around this, and I'd love a 7dtd modding approach that took a route like this, especially when leaning on an IP as successful as Killing Floor. The two mix perfectly after all.


If you have the 3D design chops, then by all means, please go about making alternate models for those specimens.


The models probably aren't the hard part. The hard part would be creating the various animations, the Unity controllers, and the custom 7D2D AI tasks to do all of the different kinds of attack behaviors.


If you don't have those things, then you're basically reskinning existing zombies. Which is a good thing, don't get me wrong (I've done a few myself) but probably not what you're looking for.

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Hey man, sounds like an awesome idea that you are pretty passionate about!


I've not heard of or played Killing Floor before so can you explain to me more about the elements from that game you'd like to see in 7D2D?


I mean you describe a few things, like stronger zeds appear in later waves, but 7D2D has this, what would you like to see done differently?

And when you talk about having the KF zeds in 7D2D, is there any parts in particular you'd like to have? Is it the style you particularly like (I gave them a quick google and can see they have a bit of a more "steam punk" thing going on with metallic arms and frames and the like!) or is it the behaviours / special abilities (I'm guessing they have individual abilities!)?


And, perhaps most importantly, what do you reckon is holding you back from getting started on the mod yourself!? Passion goes a hell of a long way towards a project like this, and it's probably why you're not seeing such a mod already in place, maybe there just hasn't been someone with your passion for it out there yet who has saw it through. What's stopping you from being the one to make it happen?

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